For the love of Odin plz change the Dupe Rewards

5*s and 6*s have been a thing for how long now, and we’re still getting the same amount of ISO whether we dupe a 4*, 5* or 6*? And can we please spice up the 6* dupe rewards? We get nothing out of it - after getting the one time awakening, I pray to never get another 6* dupe cuz it feels like SUCH a waste.
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
For e.g: If you get a 3* Dr. Doom for 1st time from a premium, legendary, grandmaster, cavalier or basic 3* crystal you'll also get 100 4* shards and next time when you get him (simply dupe) you also get 100 4* shards.
Progress will be faster then so.
I wrote like that because even 'Provens' or 'Conquerors' get 6* Champions out of Gifting Event.