Stuck in Grandmaster fight and I have two questions. Help a bortha out :)

Hi everyone,
So I finally reached the Grand Master and I am stuck in the 3rd phase (got him down to 15% health). Since I ran out of units and potions (seems I underestimated what an absolute horror show this fight will be) I now need to farm more units to buy revives and finish the fight. So I have two questions:
1) Will I get kicked out of the map at some point? I am not in the fight, but my team is stuck there, all dead and I am afraid that the new update or god knows what fun and interactive bug what might boot me from the map.
2) Can I auto-complete daily quests while in the GM map? There doesn't seem to be any mention of getting kicked out of the current quest as it does if I try to start a quest manually but I really don't wanna risk it. I ask this mainly cuz it will take some time to gather the necessary units to chip him away and it would be nice to use the energy to autocomplete stuff instead of wasting it in the meantime.
As a last thought, the GM fight is absolutely horrible, I know many people think it's so great and well designed but honestly, this last phase is just sadistic... There is no way I will every put myself through exploration of act 6. Games are supposed to be fun, right?
Thanks in advance for the help!
So I finally reached the Grand Master and I am stuck in the 3rd phase (got him down to 15% health). Since I ran out of units and potions (seems I underestimated what an absolute horror show this fight will be) I now need to farm more units to buy revives and finish the fight. So I have two questions:
1) Will I get kicked out of the map at some point? I am not in the fight, but my team is stuck there, all dead and I am afraid that the new update or god knows what fun and interactive bug what might boot me from the map.
2) Can I auto-complete daily quests while in the GM map? There doesn't seem to be any mention of getting kicked out of the current quest as it does if I try to start a quest manually but I really don't wanna risk it. I ask this mainly cuz it will take some time to gather the necessary units to chip him away and it would be nice to use the energy to autocomplete stuff instead of wasting it in the meantime.
As a last thought, the GM fight is absolutely horrible, I know many people think it's so great and well designed but honestly, this last phase is just sadistic... There is no way I will every put myself through exploration of act 6. Games are supposed to be fun, right?

Thanks in advance for the help!

2. I don’t think you can do that while your champs are in a quest. You can always try it if you want and the game will ask you if you want to leave the other quest before you enter that one.
3. The fight is a good fight because it is more about the skill involved than just having the right champ. Although, having a champs immune to reverse controls saves me greatly.
Just make sure you hit the auto-complete button.
Your help and support is very much appreciated! Now I think I will take a month off because this game just burns me out man...
For anyone interested, I got: 6* Guilly 2099 and Proxima, 5* Elsa, Venom, White Mags, Jane Foster. Already had everyone but Proxima and Jane but honestly, I'm just sooooo happy it's done.