Looking to help out a new alliance / help build an alliance

Experienced player, 493k rated, 8k prestige.
Looking to help out somewhere! I don’t mind what AQ maps/ war level. I like to help out new players and I always clear all my paths. I’m communicative and active, I have line, discord, and will get whatever app necessary.
I wanted to step down from the higher levels of the game, and I’m looking to rediscover my enjoyment of the game. Therefore I would love to join a growing alliance and be part of the project. I’m loyal & reliable.
I’m looking to move after war season. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Looking to help out somewhere! I don’t mind what AQ maps/ war level. I like to help out new players and I always clear all my paths. I’m communicative and active, I have line, discord, and will get whatever app necessary.
I wanted to step down from the higher levels of the game, and I’m looking to rediscover my enjoyment of the game. Therefore I would love to join a growing alliance and be part of the project. I’m loyal & reliable.
I’m looking to move after war season. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Our particular alliance [107SJ] Starjammers has 7300 prestige and 15MM rating. We run AQ map 4 for 120 million points weekly and 2 BGs in War for Silver 1 with itemless, stress-free effort. Just an example but confident we can find a home for you as many of us have stepped back like you
We already have a good front line of boss killers and high level player alt accounts so we get a lot accomplished with minimal stress!
We use LINE for communication - if you're interested, please reach out to LINE ID: TeekaFox or LINE ID: KoiBoy18
Have a look: [GHÕŚT].
If you're interested, please connect with me on Discord: Striderz#7436
My game acct: Striderz
Come check out our Alliance.
We can offer you a relaxed experience and the chance to help our allience grow.
Alliance: The Abyss' Forge
Leader: Abyss-Avenger
Add me on the game contacts.
I am currently in the process of splitting my alliance up into two. The main alliance is running Map 5x5. The second would be doing Map 4/3 and eventually to 4x5 and act as a feeder for the main alliance as people progress and want to work towards harder content.
The second alliance needs about a BG of people that can preferably run Map 4. Movement between the two alliances is fluid. So one could start in this alliance and move up if they want harder content.
Please message me on Discord at AznBane#2779 if you are interested. We have a fun server with roughly 60 people.
Add me in game: AryBEEST
We have around 10-15 spots, and room for more!