Animations - Silver Centurion and Jabari Panther + Chadwick Boseman

I don’t know about you but what makes a champion for me is about 60% ability and 40% animation. I mean a character can be broken but if they feel like **** to play or are just visually a disappointment, then I’ll just opt for a smoother, more aesthetically impression champ who can do something very similar.
It feels like Kabam’s dropped the game with their animations recently. With ODIN, why weren’t we taken to Asgard with his SP3? He just grew big like how Dormamu and Mangog and a few others do.
With Jabari Panther, her combos are literally a carbon copy of Namors and her Sp1 and Sp2 have barely any difference.
Silver centurion’s SP3 is just a combination of Sorceress Supreme’s, Kang’s and MODOK’s rocket assets have just been reused.
If you guys wanna prioritise releasing characters from a dying (most have argued, dead) game, over champs we evidently want to see like Okoye and Omega Sentinel, then at least put effort into making them look good, feel satisfying to play and make them unique and not just a pastiche of other, pre-existing champs.
Also, where the hell is the Black Panther profile pic that was promised to us following Chadwick Boseman’s passing? Is this how you honour his legacy? With Jabari Panther? Civil War BP hasn’t been touched, but OG BP is the one getting buffed. What?
What do you guys think about all of this?
It feels like Kabam’s dropped the game with their animations recently. With ODIN, why weren’t we taken to Asgard with his SP3? He just grew big like how Dormamu and Mangog and a few others do.
With Jabari Panther, her combos are literally a carbon copy of Namors and her Sp1 and Sp2 have barely any difference.
Silver centurion’s SP3 is just a combination of Sorceress Supreme’s, Kang’s and MODOK’s rocket assets have just been reused.
If you guys wanna prioritise releasing characters from a dying (most have argued, dead) game, over champs we evidently want to see like Okoye and Omega Sentinel, then at least put effort into making them look good, feel satisfying to play and make them unique and not just a pastiche of other, pre-existing champs.
Also, where the hell is the Black Panther profile pic that was promised to us following Chadwick Boseman’s passing? Is this how you honour his legacy? With Jabari Panther? Civil War BP hasn’t been touched, but OG BP is the one getting buffed. What?
What do you guys think about all of this?