MCOC What Ifs: a thread

The title is pretty self-explanatory- write some MCOC-related what ifs in the comment section of this post. If you don't understand how this will function, let me give you an example: "What if Nova recieved an actual buff rather than a prestige boost?". Ok, now your turn.
1. There was no such designation as “Trophy Champions,” so Thanos and Kang, Unstoppable Colossus, etc., could actually stand a chance of being buffed?
2. Everyone accepted that super-strength needs to be factored and then designed into all builds where applicable, so Hawkeye doesn’t feel like Hulk and Hulk doesn’t feel like Hawkeye, when they are the same rank? If Hulk finishes a full fight in half the hits and time as Hawkeye at the same rank, fine! It’s what makes comics what they are.
3. What if the rank-up costs for 3-stars, or even 4-stars, were reduced or even eliminated, so more people could rank up characters for fun instead of some always looking for reasons to hoard resources because of Alliance commitments/etc.
4. Seriously, though: Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to choose between not ranking up a 4-star because of the T4B/T1A allocation, and actually playing a kit that you just might never get as a 5/6 star?
Most of my current frustration with the game is just how much you have to do AFTER you get a character — I know it’s easier for some in Alliances, especially the higher tiers, but man, it is an absolute slog sometimes just trying to play the game for fun as a solo player.
T4B. T5B. T1A. T2A. Gold. ISO. That’s just for roughly a Cavalier player and below who are still ranking up 5-stars or are just starting to develop a 6-star roster with some depth.
The Thronebreaker players who are taking up 6-stars to R3 and closing in on R4…even more catalysts.
I know it won’t change, but what if it did? There’s always going to be a skill gap in a game, and there will always be a gap between spenders and F2P. There will also always be people who spend more time playing than others, and they deserve consideration for their effort.
I just wonder what the game would be like if there wasn’t a resource gap that only grows worse, over time
What if the secret to an itemless Abyss run really was a 1* Avengers team?
What if 12.0 had never happened?
What if there were no synergies?
What if players could freely swap all in game resources via a MCoC exchange feature?
What if players could “buy” stars for champs?
What if there was a diminishing returns feature for real money spent in game?
Tell me, O Watcher, what might become if these things came to pass…
Dr. Zola
I'm willing to throw all my units if someone would rent out their 6 star Archangel 🙂
I can't imagine it, my brain exploded 🤯
Oh wait
-Corvus Simp