Superior Iron Man Buff Concept

TheLegionMasterTheLegionMaster Member Posts: 387 ★★★
edited April 2021 in General Discussion
Superior Iron Man is, in my opinion, the best looking Iron Man in the game. Since Kabam decided to give us another Iron Man instead of buffing the SIM and the originals, here’s my concept for a Superior Iron Man Buff.

Tags - #Symbiote, #Illuminati, #Hero (or Villain. He’s kind of evil in the comics.)

Sig Ability - “Tony Stark’s Endo-Sym armor, being an organic symbiote, absorbs degeneration damage for him.”
(All Armor Up buffs are now passives. Additionally, each Armor Up buff reduces all degeneration effects by 25%)

Passive Ability - Iron Man’s Symbiotic armor absorbs all poison debuffs and converts them into Armor Up Buffs, each buff increasing armor rating by x amount.
Additionally, when dropping below 15% health activate a regeneration buff, healing x amount of health over 15 seconds.

Armor Up Buffs - Parrying the opponent has a 100% chance to grant you an Armor Up buff, lasting 15 seconds. This chance decreases by 15% percent with each successive parry. Percentage to gain Armor Up buffs resets to 100% when all Armor Up buffs have expired. Additionally, Iron Man’s Endo-Sym armor toughens with each Armor Up Buff it gains, reducing all bleed effects by 25% with each stack of armor.

Extremis 3.0 - All attacks apply an indefinite Extremis 3.0 passive debuff on the opponent. Light attacks inflict one debuff, Medium Attacks inflict 2 debuffs, and well timed blocks inflict 5 debuffs. These debuffs stack up to 100.

Special Attacks - Convert all Extremis 3.0 debuffs on the opponent into debuffs based on the special attack used.

Developers Note - “Massive amounts of debuffs are applied to the opponent when using a special attack, making it incredibly hard for champions who purify debuffs to shrug off everything.”

SP1 - “Those Extremis 3.0 users haven’t payed their $99.99 a day. They’re in for quite a shock.”

One hit of Superior Iron Man’s Repulsor Ray removes all Extremis 3.0 debuffs on the opponent, inflicting an armor break debuff for each stack of Extremis 3.0 on the opponent. If this attack misses the opponent due to the dexterity mastery, armor shatter the opponent, reducing the opponents chance to activate an armor up buff by 100%, and reducing armor rating by x amount for each stack of Extremis 3.0.

Developers Note - “This attack is great for AW defense, as it punishes players who try to dex Iron Man’s SP1.”

SP2 - “So, they still refuse to pay up, huh? My Arc Reactor might be able to persuade them.”

Superior Iron Man’s Arc Reactor ray power burns the opponent, draining x% of the opponents power, and dealing x amount of energy damage based on how many stacks of Extremis 3.0 are on the opponent. If this attack misses due to the dexterity mastery, power drain the opponent only.

Developers Note - “Iron Man’s SP2 already packs a huge punch. With the addition of draining the opponents power and a massive burst of energy damage afterwards, this attack can wreak some serious havoc on the opponent.”

SP3 - “My persuasive methods obviously haven’t been enough. *Sigh*. Brute force it is, then”
Inflict one shock debuff for each stack of Extremis 3.0 on the opponent, dealing x amount of energy damage per tick.

Developers Note - “Much like Guardian’s SP2, the player will want to build up as many Extremis 3.0 charges as they can, and then convert them all with an SP3 to unleash insane burst damage.”

Recommended Masteries:

Despair - Superior Iron Man applies loads of debuffs. The despair mastery will enable you to block out the opponent healing entirely with one SP1.

Suicide Masteries - Superior Iron Man’s Armor Up buffs can quickly negate all bleed damage with a few parries. Additionally, Iron Man purifies all poison debuffs and converts them to Armor Up buffs, making him a very suicide friendly champion.

Good Matchups:

Any poison reliant champion - Champions that are heavily reliant on poison will supercharge Superior Iron Man’s Armor Up buffs.

Tenacity Champions - Any champion reliant on shrugging off debuffs will be at a great disadvantage against Superior Iron Man’s stacking debuffs.

Bad Matchups:

Mystic Champions - Any champion who nullifies frequently will eat Superior Iron Man alive when you parry, so remember that when facing mystic champions.

Shock Immune Champions - Superior Iron Man’s big damage comes from his SP3. Any champion immune to shock will leave Superior Iron Man at a great disadvantage.


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