Incursion problems and how to avoid

So i know many players will now say " just play with ur friends or allianz mates" but sometimes its so that some of them either are not online or they already did their incursion runs or are different sektors. Well whatever the reason .For me ( and many other players) Morningstar is a really good Champion for incursions. And i love to use Corvus there cuz once i get all 4 charges he easy kills any opponnent in sektor 7 now for the problem i had already like atleast 40+ since we have that gamemode that players enter and already move to a side ( thats fine for me) then they just leave the incursion wich means even if i manage to kill the boss without removing the degenerating node its only 1 zone for me and thats it i waste 2 or sometimes 3 really good incursion champs have to wait days till i can use them again and i dont really get any points or rewards from that cuz some players simply just want to troll. Now id like to suggest a penalty system into it. Ive played some games where we have that system that if you leave the game you get for example Rocket league banns u for 5 min if u leave a match since the match lasts 5 min, some other games if you repeat to leave and troll other players u may get even up to 7 days ban for that. So something like that to ban players for some time from incursion or ban totaly from the game for some time so they learn the lesson not to troll other players because it really is annoying if u simply just want to do your sektor 7 if possible 10 zone´s and someone comes in who only wants to troll u like that guy in the image did to me
I really hope that Kabam will make some penalty system to punish such players
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