Vulture: My Only 5 Star Tech

So I pulled my very first 5* Tech today and it’s Vulture. I know there’s plenty better then him but as I’ve been reading he has an okay passive, and decent uses. I’ve also read he’s better duped though. What’s my play here? Suck it up and wait for another shot at a Tech or is he useful? Thanks

He's a Villain with a permanent Armour Up, so can be effective in a few paths in Variant 6.
He'll be in the list for a buff this year; so try him out. There's real potential there, particularly if you have a synergy partner like Stealthy or Electro. I took him to R5 and Awakened him on my Alt account, just for a bit of fun. In your case, I'd probably wait to see how his buff works out...