4 players looking for alliance - prestige 12.5k

FuZe3 - 12,497 prestige - masters/plat1 war for past 5 seasons can run any aq w max mods
Carnage (FuZe alt account) - 10169 prestige - can run any map except 7 and any war rank
TOMMIIE - 10329 prestige has ran plat 3 war for past few seasons and can run all maps except 7
YourPaddy - 10765 prestige - has been plat 2/3 for past 5 seasons can run any map except 7
Hit me up on line for info - fuze13
Carnage (FuZe alt account) - 10169 prestige - can run any map except 7 and any war rank
TOMMIIE - 10329 prestige has ran plat 3 war for past few seasons and can run all maps except 7
YourPaddy - 10765 prestige - has been plat 2/3 for past 5 seasons can run any map except 7
Hit me up on line for info - fuze13