Professor X

My top Mutant champion until now was Cable, whom I hate. So I’ve invested in Gambit. I just pulled Prof X today. I know he’s one of the best Mutant champions but I’ve really been holding out for Sunspot, AA, or Red Mag. Is Prof X just as good or better of an option then those three? Also I have a 4* R5 Apoc for Horseman so I don’t know if that helps anyone’s opinion.
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Equivalent of AA
Lower than magneto
I think they’re both good enough for it to be personal preference, I prefer prof X for evade, miss and avoiding contact, but Archangel is nuts too.
You can’t go wrong with either
Prof X can counter evades and electro, korg etc.
AA can do the same, but he relies a bit on the enemy not being immune
Mags can wreck techs and metal champs, but if you have really strong cosmics, he might not be the best choice
Sunspot is kinda all-rounder champion, but if you have Gambit, he may not be needed.
Just really look at your roster and try to think which holes need to be filled.
Also bear in mind that AA needs awakening and Prof X requires quite some time to learn
Gambit is pretty Good and Balanced
I love Sunspot. IMO he’s the best Lane Clearer in the game amd has 2nd highest prestige