Constructive Criticism

please Kabam, as a Thronebreaker level player, the rewards here are quite honestly pitiful. i have like 1,000 t4cc fragment crystals, this doesn’t excite me. i know the guaranteed rewards are in the objectives, but RNG based rewards are just not good.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
This game will always have RNG rewards, I like them, and I know other players do. I wouldn’t want them to be every month, but when they come along they’re not bad at all. I think the last one was December?
It’s just how RNG works, I’m sure you wouldn’t complain if you got 5/7 6* shards.
Same with crystals: Cav+UC get GMC, TB get Cav crystals. The rewards for top tier are always one step behind.
My prediction is, that TB crystals and EQ will release roughly when next content progression milestone is announced