HELP! Gwenpool is my nemesis. 5.1.2

I am starting 5.1.2 for my UC push and of course Gwenpool is first and I can’t stand fighting her. Do I have someone to beat her? Here is my roster. Tia 

She should be Nothing to your Archangel, just bait Sp1s if you're afraid of her Sp2 and don't want her anywhere near an Sp3.
Simply watch for the full turn around to Dash Back which let's you avoid the Bullet shot.
Don't push or rush yourself, Act Content ain't going anywhere so you have all the time in the world. Good Luck!
Just keep practicing. Gwenpool is a very simple fight. Just watch her power meter and dex specials.
Regarding champs, Doom is your strongest in general, and AA is the best counter....but try Colossus - he's a tank with immunities and class advantage so that might give you some confidence in the fight.
Good luck OP!