LF Map 5, Gold 2+ Ally

9.7k Prestige, Gold war experience, but looking for a step up.
Content-wise, I'm nearing 7.1 100% and am going to be getting my first rank 3 6 star and thronebreaker soon, hopefully within the month.
I think communication is important, so I'm all good with using discord and/or Line.
My IGN is DeezNuts021. If anyone's interested, contact me in game and I can send over my Line ID or whatever else is needed to talk easier
Content-wise, I'm nearing 7.1 100% and am going to be getting my first rank 3 6 star and thronebreaker soon, hopefully within the month.
I think communication is important, so I'm all good with using discord and/or Line.
My IGN is DeezNuts021. If anyone's interested, contact me in game and I can send over my Line ID or whatever else is needed to talk easier