Kabam should’ve added Platpool crystals in this month’s side quest

DefenestratedDefenestrated Member Posts: 304 ★★★
Missed opportunity there. You get a random chance to fight Platpool in most of the matchups. Would’ve been nice to spice up the event a little by having a small chance to drop Platpool crystals as one of the rewards in the paths. It would make it more exciting for many of us.


  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 796 ★★★★
    I'm surprised they didn't offer any opportunity to get more pieces of Platinumpool, considering how much he features in the event.

    I'm sure he will come back eventually.
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    If Platpool does come back, I have 95% certainty that it will be an offer for money or units, they won't give us free chances to get pieces.
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