Advent of an ability… prehistoric buffs

Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
It’s FUN to make new abilities isn’t it? Except when you FAIL to make the retroactive!

Poison: Okay so AA and Voodoo are amazing and KG can be semi-immortal… but Abominaion and AntMan need better poison

Scorch: OKAY IM BEING PICKY! Scorch should be affected by Incinerate and Frostbite/Coldsnap
Incinerate is absorbed and turned into a scorch. If either COLD ability is placed a scorch is removed to negate the COLD debuff

Coldsnap/Frostbite: Iceman needs to be immune to it. Ghost Rider and Dormammu at LEAST need a resistance similar I how Beast is resistant to bleed.

Incinerate… Ghost Rider L2 is fire breath… DUH!

Shock: Black Widow L2, Maybe some for Thor is his specials Crit…
This is a big one… SIM has built in taser arms as one of the few noticeable traits on the endosym armor… crits has a chance to stun (maybe only when he has more power saved?)

Armor SHATTER, I think BOTH Iron Fists and maybe a few others could benefit from this

Exhaustion: should lower enemy crit resistance making it easier for LC to land crits the lower an enemies health is.

Interacting with Parry and well timed Blocks: Captain America, WWII and Civil warrior... Guillotine?
Captain classic: passive true strike charges for 3 hits
WWII: chance to shrug off any debuff
Civil: a 50% chance to gain 3% max power
Guillotine: Armor penetration boost for 6 seconds (single stack)

Interacting with Dexterity and well timed dash-backs (not entriely sure)

The new Carry Over thing:
Joe Fixit? A candidate for an extra roll?

Unique synergies? YES PLEASE

Holding Charges… Make Gambit work like Nebula… please…


  • Captain_MaimCaptain_Maim Member Posts: 397
    I like that you used the term "Carry Over" instead of persistent charges. Haha up vote just for that.

    I definitely agree that new abilities should retroactively affect characters when it just makes sense. (immunities and such) and have suggested several examples in game and future for the carry over mechanic.

    For Joe fixit, are you thinking every victory gives him an additional roll?

    Also like your idea for the well timed blocks for the caps and CW
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,831 ★★★★★
    Lots of cool ideas in there; Kabam... hire this man!
  • GreenstrokeGreenstroke Member Posts: 291
    I think that abomination should have some kinda poison trigger in his l2, could be like mephisto has aura of incineration? Get too close and you get poisoned for being there or something similiar to KG L2, just needs to be able to poison offensively
    And antman needs to have a better chance to fatique, like every stack increases the next fatique trigger by x%, cause i remember doing a 40 hit combo with antman but not a single fatique was triggered...
  • roskeroske Member Posts: 25
    Nice try, but Kabam make champs outdated and obsolote for a reason.
    New abilities are for new champs, grind for them in the arenas or buy crystals.

    So much time and still don't know how this works...
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    I like that you used the term "Carry Over" instead of persistent charges. Haha up vote just for that.

    I definitely agree that new abilities should retroactively affect characters when it just makes sense. (immunities and such) and have suggested several examples in game and future for the carry over mechanic.

    For Joe fixit, are you thinking every victory gives him an additional roll?

    Also like your idea for the well timed blocks for the caps and CW

    I’m thinking a limit of 4:

    “Ace up the Sleeve”
    Joe Fixit starts with 0 Aces!

    If he gets 3 crits in a row 3 times in a fight he stored up an Ace.

    When staring a fight:
    Randomly gain a suit depending on how many Aces Fixit has up hos sleeve. These are permenant for the whole fight and can’t be changes. These provide the full effect of a normal suit. No 2 aces can share a suit.

    4 Aces!
    Each Ace provides a passive 25% potency boost for all suits

    At 4 Aces:

    A Diamond ♦️ is worth 80% attack depending on health lost

    A Geart ♥️ can get up to double the regen normally

    A Spade ♠️ has it’s weakness potency OR chance can be up to doubled

    A Club ♣️ builds up his critical rate up to twice as fast

    (AN ALTERNATE way is that the Aces Double only their suits so it’s a more immediate boost to a more limited range of his abilities)
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★

    Hawkeye’s arrows are labeled as EMP and Inceniary!

    Against bleed immune his bleeds are replaced by Shock and Incinerate worth only HALF the original total Bleed damage but with double to standard timer… INCENDIARY!!!!
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Also I missed Dormammu and Ghost Rider getting resistances so incinerate
  • Captain_MaimCaptain_Maim Member Posts: 397
    Sounds interesting. More complicated than I would have made it, but I can appreciate it for sure.

    Personally, I wanted a future gladiator hulk character to get "on a roll" so to speak, adding permanent fury charges from victory to victory with a max at some point.

    Also, being that we could use a good science champion, I'd like to see "The Leader" added, and his carry over ability have to do with his adaptive learning. For instance, 15% chance to evade special attacks (including sp3) for each victory, to a maximum of either 60 or 75%. It would be kind of fun to have a character you could gamble pushing to a sp3 with a chance to evade it entirely.
  • Captain_MaimCaptain_Maim Member Posts: 397
    I would also like to see rogues abilities, in the case of mutants, better reflected from the comics. (when rogue touched someone she would drain their life force, in the case of mutants, their abilities.)
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    I would also like to see rogues abilities, in the case of mutants, better reflected from the comics. (when rogue touched someone she would drain their life force, in the case of mutants, their abilities.)

    Nah keep her as a plain attacker

    No buffs, no debuffs just damage and passive sustain
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Sounds interesting. More complicated than I would have made it, but I can appreciate it for sure.

    Personally, I wanted a future gladiator hulk character to get "on a roll" so to speak, adding permanent fury charges from victory to victory with a max at some point.

    Also, being that we could use a good science champion, I'd like to see "The Leader" added, and his carry over ability have to do with his adaptive learning. For instance, 15% chance to evade special attacks (including sp3) for each victory, to a maximum of either 60 or 75%. It would be kind of fun to have a character you could gamble pushing to a sp3 with a chance to evade it entirely.

    Well the point is that Joe Fixit is a Vegas Gangster personality. A brute with plenty of tricks a blend of Hulk’s strength and Banner’s intelligence that makes him especially dangerous! Having an ace up his sleeve and keeping his cards close to his chest makes him harder to fight. Takes more to make him mad and he doesn’t get AS strong but that doesn’t mean you wanna make him mad. A complicated character and an ability that you don’t need to think about but if you learn can save you here and there by adopting another play style based on your hand
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Ultron and vision (and GR maybe?) should be immune to all abilities that involve anything to do with a soul.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Ultron and vision (and GR maybe?) should be immune to all abilities that involve anything to do with a soul.

    True! Robotics!!! I didn’t even think of that…
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Also um… just noticed this but I meant to give shock to Black Widow L3! Where she tases the enemy. Although giving her a reskin of Nebula L2 or using her batons for L2 could work as well
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