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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Absurd Interaction in Variant 7

Hey all, wanted to point out a seemingly near impossible fight that I noticed while exploring variant 7. In quest 2.2, there is a Mephisto with arc overload and tech wrath and overclocked. After looking over possible counters that exist in the game, I could only come up with two. And in both situations the fight is near impossible without a lot units. First, night thrasher could be used with 50% damage reduction and a ridiculous amount of special 1/2 dexes. This method mainly relies on RNG and the only way I was able to get it down was with multiple attempts and many revives. The other option is blade whose damage is also reduced by 50% and is completely RNG dependant. There is only a 40% reduction rate so the odds are that you will be taking tons of aura damage and he will mirk you with a special 3. Other than those two I don’t believe there are any other champs that are incinerate immune or could work against the fight in any decent way that are tech or skill and heroes. I would appreciate any feedback from Kabam or other players who may have been affected by this.


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    SquirrelguySquirrelguy Posts: 2,652 ★★★★★
    Gwenpool reduces ability accuracy to 0 after 50 hits, Ægon also has an ability accuracy reduction after a certain combo, BW OG has reduced opponent ability accuracy, just get Guardian to two bars of power and build up enough force fields and he could shred Mephisto.

    Really, it’s not ideal, but if you play well against him, you don’t need an incinerate immune champ. I rarely have one when I fight him. When he came out, there weren’t many incinerate/incinerate immune champs except for like Iceman, so you just had to suck it up most of the time. There are ways to do it if you play well enough and have a high enough ranked champ, though it’s not like an easy fight by any means.
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    EtherealityEthereality Posts: 685 ★★★
    I did it with a R5 max sig Guardian. Yes i died once and had to use one revive but it was doable, maybe even possible to do itemless by someone more skilled than I am. The reason why Guardian works is because he mitigates the Aura of Incineration to about 600-700 a tick, which is still a lot of damage to tske .... BUT if you also skillfully dex/avoid entering in the aura as much as possible ( impossible not to get burnt through all of the fight but definitely possible to minimize it) it'll give you enough time to build up enough force filed charges to nuke Mephisto into oblivion.
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    Valentinos13Valentinos13 Posts: 400 ★★★
    I used guardian to drop him down to regen stage, then I died and used something else, was htd or fury
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    EpistriatusEpistriatus Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Besides the ones that have been mentioned in this thread, I also got a solo using SL.
    It’s just a matter of avoiding his aura.
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    Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Posts: 1,748 ★★★★
    BigBlueOx said:

    Warlock parry/heavy will solve him. Regen while infected will even burn the powergain

    Yeah warlock did it for me too
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    BitterSteelBitterSteel Posts: 9,262 ★★★★★
    I used warlock and my rank 4 hulk buster
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    BerjibsBerjibs Posts: 1,523 ★★★★
    You don’t need incinerate immune vs mephisto just play cautiously and always back off as soon as he gets aura and bait his sp1, wait out his aura until attacking again and maximise your dph by using mm, mh, single heavies, whatever works best. Single hit heavies work well as you’ve already pushed him away if you trigger aura during the attack.

    There’s one in v3 with double powergain or/and spite or similar, way worse than this one, where the best option is doc ock.

    If you’re taking anything other than minimal aura damage you’re not playing the fight properly.
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    Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Posts: 1,748 ★★★★
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    ChikelChikel Posts: 2,074 ★★★★
    So Either have Warlock, Blade or max sig Guardian or you're screwed. I don't have any of the 3 except as 4*. Sounds like horrible fight design to me
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    Nichj99Nichj99 Posts: 248 ★★
    I did it with IMIW .
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,248 ★★★★★
    There are only 2-3 bad fights in the whole exploration, so hard to complain.
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    The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Posts: 7,783 ★★★★★
    Chikel said:

    So Either have Warlock, Blade or max sig Guardian or you're screwed. I don't have any of the 3 except as 4*. Sounds like horrible fight design to me

    Nah it's just a hard fight among a string of easy fights. That's why it stands out.
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,305 ★★★★★
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    VABBI2003VABBI2003 Posts: 48
    I did with sig 185 Guardian and was easy after i got my armour up back. Just did parry MLM as i run max pacify. Bad fight if you dont have counters. But not too bad. Warlock parry heavy will also solve it easily.
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    Huskers327Huskers327 Posts: 105
    As others have mention, easy solo with blade. Especially if you bring stark spidey for the enhanced ability accuracy reduction.
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    BerjibsBerjibs Posts: 1,523 ★★★★

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    BerjibsBerjibs Posts: 1,523 ★★★★
    Got guardian synergy there but not taking any incinerate, only parry damage. @Faseeh what are your options or you done now?
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    MikeymonstesMikeymonstes Posts: 157
    Thanks fellas, looks like there are some good options 😃
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