Which Science 6* to R3

PrentexPrentex Member Posts: 414 ★★
I am asking for advice for a rankup decision, so this is the situation:

I have 5* rank 5 sig 200 Cap IW and use him almost every time for questing, aq, aw...
I also have a 5* rank 4 sig 20 Thing, don't use it because i have the 6* rank 2 sig 20
I don't have a 5* void, only the 4 star

My rankup options are

CAP IW unawakened
Void unawakened
Thing sig 20 (mainly for AW defense)

Any input / thoughts are appreciated

Thank you!

Which Science 6* to R3 13 votes

CAP IW (unawakened)
Mellymel62StfckrAssumedNameNewman0067Gr8TonyStark 5 votes
Void (unawakened)
Uncle_Fatty_247 1 vote
Thing (Sig 20)
DoonxUnsilentRockypantherxHector_1475Sarvanga1_QazzyCeltic1981 7 votes
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