Looking for 5.5k+ Prestige members for new AQ+AW Alliance!
Hey guys! MAGNI- The Survivors of Ragnarok are looking for members that are at least Uncollected and have a prestige of 5.5k or more! We run map 4 in AQ and we might morph into Map 5 once we grow strong enough! We communicate through discord and we are super active there- with bots for music during your incursion run, grinding arena, or just to relax and vibe. AW is also mandatory, and since we are brand new we do not have a rank, however, our goal is to reach at least silver 2 in our first season and our ultimate target is to reach gold 3 or above.
Find me on discord: AngryHen#9330
In-game: AngryHen123
Or join our server!
Find me on discord: AngryHen#9330
In-game: AngryHen123
Or join our server!