Should i take my 5 star awakened hulkbuster to rank 5 first or 6 star venom unawakened to rank 2 first
Venom. He’s still one of the best variant clearers in the game atm. He’s better than hulkbuster imo, and tbh the cosmic class to me is kinda meh.
How can you say the Cosmic class is meh.... Corvus, Hype, CMM, CGR, Venom, Angela, Silver Surfer and Aarkus are all very good champs. One could even argue that the top 5 cosmics rival any other class top 5 except Mutant.
CMM, Corvus, Hype and CGR are all top15 champs in the game easily.
CMM, Corvus, Hype and CGR are all top15 champs in the game easily.