Recurring Difficult EQ Content

OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,195 ★★★★★
edited April 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
So any forum regular with eyes has seen the numerous posts on when truly difficult content will make its come back. Sorry to you forum members without eyes...

The short answers have essentially been “soon” and “truly difficult content takes time to create”.

While I don’t doubt that truly difficult content takes time to create, I also believe there is a way to make EQ have a more challenging aspect to it for end game summoners. I think we can safely say a TB difficulty will not be coming any time “soon” since Cavalier difficulty is still fairly new and it took FOREVER for it to be released. We also saw a few times where they tried to add “harder” special objectives and the 2 they could think of just didn’t do the trick.

So here’s my idea:

Have a special side quest where the only two opponents are the new champions for that month. Sort of like an EQ boss rush I guess you could call it. Make the nodes different from the Cav EQ ones and make them
D. I. F. F. I. C. U. L. T.

The catch? You can only bring in one champion. Thus essentially you have to one shot both new champions, otherwise you start digging into those revives/units. One champ also means no synergies. Thus making it a bit tougher from the get go.

“But brooo I can just quake them with my 2* quake and it would be super easy”....throw in a global true strike node to every month that needs it to force people to use other options.

The rewards? Not entirely sure on this part of my idea. I understand the idea would be to make the fights truly difficult but it is only two fights and it would be recurring every month. So maybe 10-15% t5cc selector and some gold?

I suggest this because although Kabam has stated more difficult content is coming, from past experiences we can safely assume that means maybe 2-3 truly difficult content per year. Which would actually be 2-3 more than we’ve had in the past year....Also, from a designing stand point it wouldn’t be an entire quest they are trying to design. Only two fights every month and then of course testing to make sure both fights can be done by 1 champ.

I’m not a good creator of nodes but an example might be:

Jabari Panther
Counter strike
Rapid Metabolism

Silver Centurion
Encroaching Stun
Stun Immune
Armored Assault
Arc Overload

There’s plenty of nodes to choose from, so I’m sure they could come up with something better lol

What do you all think?
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on


  • Diablo0829Diablo0829 Member Posts: 9
    Sounds pretty good if they could make the fights pretty difficult
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    edited April 2021
    Tl;dr (yet I’ll double back)

    But did you just apologize to people that don’t have eyes? 🧐

    Edit: after reading it I’d say it would be like having those thanos fights. I think kabam could do summoner showdown type fights without the big hoopla they had to put around it. Similar to arenas, earn a time, earn a reward for being in a bracket. Rinse and repeat monthly with the new champs.
  • OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,195 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    Tl;dr (yet I’ll double back)

    But did you just apologize to people that don’t have eyes? 🧐

    Only forum members without eyes lol but yes

    Tl:dr is a side EQ with two fights. The two new champs with much harder nodes or node combinations than Cav EQ and you can only bring in one champion. That way it can be something small, but difficult that is coming every single month for end gamers
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    In b4 @GagoH complains yet again that this is another thread on this subject.
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    Btw, I'm in favor of your idea. 2 bosses a month ain't much but it's a start.
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