Abomination not stacking poisons ???

I was playing with my gp in monthly master quest chapter 3 , and in the middle line , abomination was not stacking poisons , he was just refreshing that poison .
And why is there so problem in parrying dr octopus , i mean i know how to parry , but he just doesn't gets parry that easily.
And why is there so problem in parrying dr octopus , i mean i know how to parry , but he just doesn't gets parry that easily.
No one is saying that, he is asking why the poison on him was just refreshed and not stacked
... Yes they are? The Poison Abom inflicts from being made to bleed does NOT stack, so like most debuffs/buffs of that nature, it replaces the previous one with a new poison. What was happening was that she would Bleed him, get a new iteration of that particular Poison, but manage to avoid his Sig poison (which, when proc'd, does add to existing stack of poison, regardless if from attacks or from Bleeding).
Read again, because you obviously didn't understand.
OP is asking why the poison is refreshing and not stacking. The answer is that Abomination only stacks poisons from his sig ability, not for making him bleed
That's because you bled him more than once in those 5 hits