I am happy but a bit confuse too.

Guys yesterday I pulled a 5 star cgr from cavalier sexxennium ( don't go to spelling of it if
wrong). I was very very excited 😊😊. I instantly took him to r4. Initially I was thinking to take him to r5 but some t4cc were lacking.
I tried his burst damage output in rol. I defeated rol ws in about 70 hits in first attempt but when I tried to defeat him again then it took about 200 hits. I was surprised. That's was I want to know his best rotation and use. I checked YouTube but there were a lot of talks and opinions and I got confused again. Now I want to know his best rotation and when to dex with him and when not. Please guys help me out.
wrong). I was very very excited 😊😊. I instantly took him to r4. Initially I was thinking to take him to r5 but some t4cc were lacking.
I tried his burst damage output in rol. I defeated rol ws in about 70 hits in first attempt but when I tried to defeat him again then it took about 200 hits. I was surprised. That's was I want to know his best rotation and use. I checked YouTube but there were a lot of talks and opinions and I got confused again. Now I want to know his best rotation and when to dex with him and when not. Please guys help me out.
If their is Health is not that big, I do:
Heavy-Sp2. Finish the fight.
If the healthpool is quite big, I do:
MLLLM until I reach 3 bars of power.
Make sure to trigger Dex along the way.
Once I have 3 bars, Parrt-Charge heavy- then sp3
After the animation you should have 4 charges and the enemy stunned. You can then do MLLLL and that power gain will be more than enough for an SP2
Rare scenario: BIG CHUNK OF HEALTH.
Just do 2 SP3 for 2 Furies then SP2
If an enemy is immune to stun, you might not want to use CGR. Lol