So I'm fighting Medusa in AW on the immunity miniboss in Tier 2 war. And i was confident in my skills in bringing down this champion because it's just immunity node which isn't a big deal. My issue is that Kabam has completely removed skill from the equation and replaced it for a money grab fight. Medusa on immunity mini boss node was bad enough as it was. Yet, her signature ability to auto block attacks constantly parried me throughout the entire fight thus forcing me to lose. No matter the approach i used whether it was intercepting, baiting out heavy attacks before coming in full clutch to proceed a combo, every opportunity the AI had to autoblock my regular attacks resulted in an automatic parry thus rendering me stunned and therefor useless while the AI combos me to death throughout the duration of the parry. This has happened to me on intercepts, baiting special attacks as well as baiting heavy attacks. Please Kabam for the love of God change the mechanics to how Medusa's auto block interacts with parry or completely modify her signature ability and make her autoblock trigger only through special attacks instead of regular combos. It completely removes the purpose of being skilled and makes the fight a pure money grab. It's fine fighting Medusa in event quests but when it comes to war it opens up a whole other can of worms and needs to be changed. Please i would love to hear some feedback on how Kabam plans to change this or do something to implement skill into this sort of fight instead of a contest of who can spend more units to take down a single champion. @Kabam Miike @Ad0ra_ @Kabam Doot
I was able to defeat a 4/55 Medusa as AW boss in one-shot. You simply need to attack her while she is blocking under 3 fury buffs. You can intercept and attack her once, but not twice.
After the furys fall off, you can continue to hit her. Repeat the process.
Kinda hate it when you just flat out said:
Your motive was to make Kabam somehow "implement skill into this sort of fight" with Medusa, when it is ironic that there IS a counter to her that can be done by any champ and is ust a matter of how you play. It's like fighting Juggernaut, then saying he needs a nerf because you get countered whenever you try to hit him when he has unstoppable.
Well at least you name is fitting
Counterspell will auto remove her fury and also feed his MD if you have it unlocked. His SP2 also nullifies and his SP3 will fate seal her so she can’t gain any buffs.
Her SP1 will steal her fury and life steal as well.
Buff steal on SP1
Astral evade. unless she decides to let off a special attack.
Quite a few options.