Og Hulk Rework Idea (developed)



Duplicate Ability:(The Strongest One There Is)
When below 20%/15%, Hulk gains 20 furies, each increasing his attack by 20%/25%. He also gains unstoppable for 2 seconds, and purifies all debuffs. Each hit on Hulk knocks off a fury. Cool-down : 30 seconds.

-Hulk can endure hundreds of bullets therefore he is bleed immune.
-With an advanced immune system Hulk is immune to poison.

Puny Human/Alien:
After receiving 5 hits hulk gains indestructible for 3 seconds, regeneration healing X amount over 3 seconds and +1 gamma stack. Cool-down for indestructible is 10 seconds.
Hulk Smash:
After giving 10 hits gain +2 gamma stacks and 100% chance for the next attempted hit to be unblockable.
Gamma stacks increase potency of regeneration by 5%, and gives heavy attacks 10% chance to give petrify decreasing regeneration rate by 50% for 15 seconds.
Gamma stacks, and has a limit of 10.
On exceeding 10 Gamma stacks activate gamma radiation. Gamma Radiation deals energy damage to the opponent for 5 seconds and on expiration inflicts a poison debuff dealing X damage over 4 Seconds.
#GAMMA Champions are immune to this and instead they gain 0.25% of power per second, and fury increasing attack by 25% for its duration.
Each Gamma stack lasts for 12 seconds and are consumed after regeneration.

Basic attacks-
1st Medium- A dash punch across the opponent his opponents body
2nd Medium-His current 1st Medium
1st Light- A smash to the grown. (like thing)
2nd Light- A blow to the stomach.
3rd Light-A two handed whack coming across from the other side.
4th Light-A knee to the head

Special Attacks:
SP1: Unchanged
Stun for 2 second and give bleed for 7 seconds
SP2: Unchanged
Stun for 3 seconds with 20% chance to apply weakness/vulnerability on the opponent, every gamma stack increases this by 10%. If close to the opponent sp2 is unblockable. If at max stacks of gamma damage is doubled.
SP3: Hulk grabs his opponents ankles and smashes them on the ground, then he launches them into the air and with one big smash he hits them into the ground. (This would be what he does to Loki and Thor in the MCU, then something similar to Captain Marvel/Hyperion)
Stun for 4 seconds, gain +50% fury for 7 seconds and activate gamma radiation.

Hulk should have a higher base health and attack.

Thanks for reading!
Any changes you would make?


  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★
    If you're including the MCU to help improve his kit, then he wouldn't be bleed immune because Fenris pierced his skin in Ragnarok. However you could change one of the mechanics to his gamma stacks help him to shrug off or even mitigate debuffs (similar to Angela's update) based on his signature level. Also if his gamma is reasonable, like two or three stacks, his mediums are Unstoppable exactly like Rhino.
  • JonoadeloyeJonoadeloye Member Posts: 66

    If you're including the MCU to help improve his kit, then he wouldn't be bleed immune because Fenris pierced his skin in Ragnarok. However you could change one of the mechanics to his gamma stacks help him to shrug off or even mitigate debuffs (similar to Angela's update) based on his signature level. Also if his gamma is reasonable, like two or three stacks, his mediums are Unstoppable exactly like Rhino.

    Thanks for commenting. Thats a really good idea, I didnt think of that. However I think your suggestion should be his base kit. So the more gamma stacks the higher chance of purifying debuffs? And that heavy attack suggestion sounds nice!
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★

    If you're including the MCU to help improve his kit, then he wouldn't be bleed immune because Fenris pierced his skin in Ragnarok. However you could change one of the mechanics to his gamma stacks help him to shrug off or even mitigate debuffs (similar to Angela's update) based on his signature level. Also if his gamma is reasonable, like two or three stacks, his mediums are Unstoppable exactly like Rhino.

    Thanks for commenting. Thats a really good idea, I didnt think of that. However I think your suggestion should be his base kit. So the more gamma stacks the higher chance of purifying debuffs? And that heavy attack suggestion sounds nice!
    Back at you 👍
  • Fear_of_Clowns2099Fear_of_Clowns2099 Member Posts: 893 ★★★
    Great idea! Although the only thing I would change is the "grown like thing" and maybe pick a different area. :D
  • JonoadeloyeJonoadeloye Member Posts: 66

    Great idea! Although the only thing I would change is the "grown like thing" and maybe pick a different area. :D

    haha meant ground. Stupid auto correct
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