Caution On Voting For Ant-Man

This is just my opinion, after thinking about this for a while.
Ant-Man does need a buff, I won’t argue that. His SP1 & SP3 don’t have any effects or debuffs, and his base stats and structure need an overhaul. He’s one of if not the most boring characters to play right now just because he’s so plain and simple, with little to no great buffs or debuffs. If you’re voting for Ant-Man based on those then great, I’m 100% with you.
However, those of who are basing their vote solely off the ghost trinity synergy possibility, be cautious. They are buffing the character. Not the synergy. The whole point of this is to increase the characters sole value. To make the character itself more viable. In order to do this they’ll most likely shift his abilities around and/or give him some additional ones to compensate value of attacks and combos. They’re going to make Ant-Man stronger. Not the synergy. That itself will most likely stay the same.
Overall I would like to see him buffed that way every time I put him on my team for the syngery he isn’t just a wasted slot of a character. That he’ll actually provide some use. As long as it’s anyone but Kamala I think we’ll all be fine.
Ant-Man does need a buff, I won’t argue that. His SP1 & SP3 don’t have any effects or debuffs, and his base stats and structure need an overhaul. He’s one of if not the most boring characters to play right now just because he’s so plain and simple, with little to no great buffs or debuffs. If you’re voting for Ant-Man based on those then great, I’m 100% with you.
However, those of who are basing their vote solely off the ghost trinity synergy possibility, be cautious. They are buffing the character. Not the synergy. The whole point of this is to increase the characters sole value. To make the character itself more viable. In order to do this they’ll most likely shift his abilities around and/or give him some additional ones to compensate value of attacks and combos. They’re going to make Ant-Man stronger. Not the synergy. That itself will most likely stay the same.
Overall I would like to see him buffed that way every time I put him on my team for the syngery he isn’t just a wasted slot of a character. That he’ll actually provide some use. As long as it’s anyone but Kamala I think we’ll all be fine.
If ant man could handle some of those fights by giving him utility, I would have to bench him less 🤷🏻♂️. Seems pretty straight forward to me.
I hate to be that guy but that’s literally what I just said lol
Everyone’s excited that ant man will be worthy to bring on a team, and will help ghost as much as he did before synergy wise, but if he’s a good champion it’ll be better for ghost
This is a main thread topic about it all here:
I’m hoping ant man will cover some of the ground that ghost currently doesn’t, meaning you can bring him for some fights ghost can’t do, and have an awesome synergy alongside it.
Plus, Ant man is goddamn awesome, one of my favourite MCU films, and I want him to have justice, or failing that, more than 3 ability lines.
Crossbones (the buffed champion) was updated, and taskmasters (who has the actual synergy) part of the synergy wasn’t effected. Ant man (the buffed champion) is getting updated, and again, ghost has the actual synergy.
So taking that precedent, if the synergy were changed, it would only alter Ant man’s part of it, and the ghost part would stay the same.
Are there any other examples of Kabam changing synergies with buffs? And actually affecting the non buffed champion that the synergy effects?
(Idk much about Joe Fixit.)
Also, his knowledge of the quantum realm was a consequence of his sacrifice to save his daughter in the first film, which led to the second antman film storyline. He didn't just randomly fall into a wormhole while picking up the newspaper in the morning.
I agree he is not the most powerful character in the MCU, but he brought *a lot* to the table with him (time travel, multiverses etc). I'm voting for him because it would be great to have him with at least a niche powerful utility, while not being a crazy damage dealer.
Antman's films in the MCU is the closest we have to a comedy (in my opinion). There's no need to keep the character a complete joke in the game.
Edit: To be fair though, I only use sp1 or sp3 if I don't want to convert the fatigues into poison. Sp1 and sp3 actually do nothing or we don't know what they do since there is no description in his abilities.