Detect Masteries and other unaddressed AW issues

This doesn’t affect me personally, but I feel like in all the discussions about AW changes, it has never been addressed. The detect masteries are now obsolete and some people invested in them. It seems a no brainer to refund anyone who unlocked these masteries. There isn’t enough story mode content where they hold value, anyone who bought them was for AW.
Also, diversity is still not working as a tiebreaker. Everyone is basically 100%ing the map every day and if you don’t have 150 diversity you automatically lose unless the hero rating of the other team is significantly higher.
Also, diversity is still not working as a tiebreaker. Everyone is basically 100%ing the map every day and if you don’t have 150 diversity you automatically lose unless the hero rating of the other team is significantly higher.
The only thing I can see preventing the game team from reinvigorating masteries generally (other than requiring thought and work, both of which can be painful) is the problem with reopening a whole area of the game in which players have invested heavily. I’m sure some members of the team still have involuntary twitches from the WP/DE/LC fiasco (no, really, we never meant for players to have been able to use suicides to heal for the past year). Masteries can be a little like dominos in that you trigger more issues with each revision.
Would love to see a mod, any mod (Tenebrous would be my pick as long as she doesn’t shut the thread down because she just seems nice) make a comment about Campo’s post and my response.
Holding my breath...
Dr. Zola
They used 5* shards as apology for suicide masteries, I'd be happy with a similar (likely smaller) apology here.
If everyone already knows what they are, then they aren't really hidden.....If kabam wanted them to be hidden, they should change them up randomly.
Don't be giving them bad ideas for future AQ seasons.
The most logical thing to do is for them to refund people who bought those masteries. I personally like the idea of @DrZola
Act 4 has some hidden ones, but same story. People bought them for AW.