T5cc fragment improvements

I’d like to make a suggestion on the lack of t5cc available to players at cavalier and above. As we all know although t4cc are valuable resources for low level accounts but as a cavalier they start to mount up very quickly and I find myself with too many, As iso8 can be hard resource to come by if you’re not spending a large amount of money on crystals. I think it’s time to introduce selling t4cc for 2%-3% of the corresponding t5cc.
If you do not wish for lower levels to be able to sell t4cc then at least introduce this for cavalier and throne breakers so as t5cc should be more readily available for endgame players
If you do not wish for lower levels to be able to sell t4cc then at least introduce this for cavalier and throne breakers so as t5cc should be more readily available for endgame players