Red cyclops

I am going to make my case about this champ.
1. Everyone hates him. The fact that he is worse than Spider Gwen or She hulk gives a lot left to say.
2. He is the leader of the x-men.
3. His attack is very low. He is also known as pillow hands.
4. His armor break is ridiculously short. 5 seconds, really kabam?
5. His specials are very boring.
6. Red and blue cyclops are just the same champ with difference in armor break time. Almost identical abilities.
Now Kabam:
Please seriously, lets give some love to an iconic character. We need here a Winter Soldier/Punisher type job. Why does this character has to have one of the lowest damage output in the game.
Why he has to be this bad. Please do something about this. Almost everyone has him. He us a price for ROL and LOL. He is an iconic figure pretty much. Did you notice post 12.0 every single MCOC member deranked cyclops.
You worry about creating new amazing champs and you are doing a great job. But dont forget your core champs.
Cyclops deserve a fix. You tried to fix him but you came up way short.
1. Everyone hates him. The fact that he is worse than Spider Gwen or She hulk gives a lot left to say.
2. He is the leader of the x-men.
3. His attack is very low. He is also known as pillow hands.
4. His armor break is ridiculously short. 5 seconds, really kabam?
5. His specials are very boring.
6. Red and blue cyclops are just the same champ with difference in armor break time. Almost identical abilities.
Now Kabam:
Please seriously, lets give some love to an iconic character. We need here a Winter Soldier/Punisher type job. Why does this character has to have one of the lowest damage output in the game.
Why he has to be this bad. Please do something about this. Almost everyone has him. He us a price for ROL and LOL. He is an iconic figure pretty much. Did you notice post 12.0 every single MCOC member deranked cyclops.
You worry about creating new amazing champs and you are doing a great job. But dont forget your core champs.
Cyclops deserve a fix. You tried to fix him but you came up way short.
How is She Hulk worse than Luke Cage? At least she has really good output with parry/heavy. LC has nothing.
Laser?! LASER!!!? Cyclops emits a concussion beam, no heat, no burning.
Yeah her heavies might hit hard but the parry heavy method takes so long her dps is still garbage, I wouldn't even attempt it but a friend of mine did a ROL winter soldier kill with 3/30 she hulk and luke cage, both took well over a thousand hits and she hulk's heavies were still terrible. Their stuns are the same, they both have a type of immunity, they both are next to useless on offense so that brings the last point of defense. At least LC has physical resistance and ability to survive a few hits at the beginning so he is a little tanky, it's not much but at least its something.
Pre 12.0 cyclops was a good champ. Kabam never adjusted his damage output.
Balaced in the contest:
Black Spidy has a whooping 80 seconds duration. How can you justify 5 second duration????????
How about damage output. Some champs are capable of going 5000 attack. Cyclops is just depressing to have or use.
I would:
Give him concussion abilities that reduce defense abilities to trigger.
Increase his armor rating reduction on specials.
Increase his armor break.
Give him an special ability when he triggers sp3 in addition to the armor break that allows him to increase his attack at least anywhere between 500 to 1000.
Come on kabam, I know you read this forum. Do the right thing and give cyclops some love. Rhino, WS, Punisher, hulk all got the love they deserved why not cyclops.
Not “might” they hit considerably harder. In fact she gains a fury buff that gives her roughly 150% additional attack power with that combo which way blows LC’s attack power out of the water. I will definitely concede LC being superior in defense but She Hulk is way better for attack
It is just plain depressing to watch!
Even though they hit hard like I said since the parry heavy method takes significantly longer to do, her damage while seemingly better than LC's it is still terrible. When my friend did the testing on ROL like I mentioned She-Hulk actually did not kill winter soldier noticeably faster than luke cage because again landing a heavy then parrying takes longer than quickly intercepting so their damage per second is actually pretty close . It's the same problem Nebula has, she can kill opponents in lower hits but her charge method takes so long her damage per second is still very bad. Yes she hulk is slighty better on offense compared to LC but she is still a terrible attacker compared to most other champions, even kamala khan has better damage output. She has no clear use anywhere in the game, even bleed immunity LC has is rarer than the poison immunity she hulk has and he has a clear use as a defender. I'm not saying LC is good , he is still terrible shehulk is just slightly worse
Kabam where are you?
We are way overdue for a champ update!
Lets make this post the mist viewed post to see if we get a response.
Wrong he used to do higher damage pre 12.0. He needs an adjustment just like other useless characters. Including DD netflix.
The fact that he is a clasic and a price for ROL and LOL is enough to realize he needs really something else to be decent.
My favorite x-men and he is pure poop. How about permanent armor break stacks on SP3. He also needs concussion just like his son cable. His beams are concusive beams.