Longshot Incinerate and Fate Seal

AgresssorAgresssor Member Posts: 251 ★★
edited May 2021 in General Discussion
Can someone explain to me the logic for this two mechanics tied , related to each other.

On longshot spotlight page, special Attack 2 description says:

The final hit inflicts Incinerate debuff

While this Incinerate is active the Opponent is Fate Sealed, Nullifying all buffs.

And the most important " Developer Notes: If the Opponent can prevent the Incinerate from activating, or remove it after it has been activated, the Fate Seal will also be removed. "

As you can see in this image, the incinerate debuff its a simple debuff but the fate seal is a passive debuff so you can't shrug off it right ? but the problem is if the opponent has incinerate immun or debuff imune / node, you cannot place the incinerate debuff from Special attack 2 and ALSO this means you cant fate seal beacause fate seal is tied to incinerate debuff so what is the point of that PASSIVE fate seal ?


  • AgresssorAgresssor Member Posts: 251 ★★
    I mean, if the incinerate debuff were also passive then it would make at least some sense or if fateseal weren't passive. What is the point to make two effects a simple incenerate debuff and the passive fate seal debuff tied to each other, if for some reason you cant place the incinerate you loses your passive fateseal
  • Raichu626Raichu626 Member Posts: 934 ★★★★
    The point is that fate seal is an additional property of the incinerate, not a second effect. If the fate seal were also a debuff, it could be shrugged off independent of the incinerate. But they're technically just one effect; the incinerate.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    this is why
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Suggest not using Longshot against incinerate immune champs or shrug off champs.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★
    While enemy has incinerate, they have a fate seal. There is no fate seal without incinerate. These two are like siamese twins, inseparable but both are individuals
  • King_L0kiB34rKing_L0kiB34r Member Posts: 218
    If your using long shot against incinerate immune or debuff immune you should really build up those bad karma then sp1.

    Bleeds are instant and bypass debuff immune or tenacity champs.

    Just a thought
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