Is Namor still worth it?



  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I ranked him up as soon as I got him and sig'd him up fully, and I haven't used him a ton after what I initially ranked him up for. I generally find it to be wiser to take in a fully Bleed immune champ into a Bleed-heavy match than Namor, and Poison immune champs for Poison-heavy matches, etc - but he is a fairly good counter to all of those things, and more to spare. He is amazing for any damage that activates quickly upon contact, but as soon as you have to back off and bait out a special or something he takes DOT damage for days. But when it comes to stuff like Thorns and Electro's damage reflect and things similar to that - an absolute god.

    He's kind of like Havok, in my eyes. Not my most valuable day-to-day champ, but always worthwhile to have on the team for when the need arises.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    He is still awesome, but not at the top with Omega, AA, Apoc, Prof X, and Mags.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    AGYAAT said:

    Namor (no Suicides no synergy) can beat Omega red (with Suicides) in damage comparison (or it will be a close one).. if someone knows how to use NAMOR properly

    Youre a real jokester arent ya.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,625 ★★★★
    Namor may have more damage than Omega Red or not (never used Namor, even pre-nerf, so I have no opinion there), but Omega Red definitely has a lot more utility than Namor.

    Namor's specific utility might be better (all attacks reflect all damage) than that specific part of OR (just tentacles), but OR brings so much more to the table beyond that.

    To OP: It depends on what your roster is, and who you have committed resources to. With the way the game is now, its best to have your champions fulfill specific cross functional roles. If you need someone to fulfill a damage dealer + ignore damage on contact role, Namor does that really well. But if you already have someone who already does that role, it can be hard to commit rank ups and sig stones just to Namor. Omega Red is commonly cited as a similar counterpart (needs Signature stones; ignore damage on contact), but Professor X can sub in (not as well) to avoid contact damage, while also providing useful mutant synergies, and not needing sig stones as well.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Only true owners of sig200 namor will tell you the truth. He is an amazing champion and very much worth it. Some people won't tell you namor can bypass hurt locker if timed well. There are so many annoying nodes that hurt you for no just cause but with namor it becomes a normal fight.
  • MrInsanityMrInsanity Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★

    He is still awesome, but not at the top with Omega, AA, Apoc, Prof X, and Mags.

    I would say he is on par with them or at least right behind them if he is sig 200 and you have suicides
  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    I use him in aq every week because thorns nodes, starburst bs, and global nodes that benefit mutants.
  • AGYAATAGYAAT Member Posts: 210
    altavista said:

    Namor may have more damage than Omega Red or not (never used Namor, even pre-nerf, so I have no opinion there), but Omega Red definitely has a lot more utility than Namor.

    Namor's specific utility might be better (all attacks reflect all damage) than that specific part of OR (just tentacles), but OR brings so much more to the table beyond that.

    To OP: It depends on what your roster is, and who you have committed resources to. With the way the game is now, its best to have your champions fulfill specific cross functional roles. If you need someone to fulfill a damage dealer + ignore damage on contact role, Namor does that really well. But if you already have someone who already does that role, it can be hard to commit rank ups and sig stones just to Namor. Omega Red is commonly cited as a similar counterpart (needs Signature stones; ignore damage on contact), but Professor X can sub in (not as well) to avoid contact damage, while also providing useful mutant synergies, and not needing sig stones as well.

    Yeah you have some good points 👍, but you can still commit for namor if have Omega red (at max sig and R5) because of top prestige? Only few mutant truly need max sig level and namor is one of them..
    Professor x is really good for thorn damage and non contact hits but he is quite tricky to play but if someone knows how to handle prof x then there is no contest (aside from Omega red has double immunity)
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    AGYAAT said:

    AGYAAT said:

    Most of the community don't know how to use him (2 sp3 furry with 15 outrage & 2 bar of power) and that's why they said he had tedious ramp up... Why you think he is outdated?
    He can easily demolish 300k health pool with only 2 bars of power and 15 outrage, WITHOUT SUICIDES (very short ramp up, isn't it), top prestige and unique utility from max sig, cool animation (what else you want in single champ?)

    People are saying Omega red is better.. maybe, but he needs max sig with Suicides or biohazard type matchup for damage and his utility is restricted to use medium attacks to bypass thorn damage.. I have R5 sig 140 Omega red and I don't use Suicides, he takes forever to complete a standard act6 matchup (300k health pools).. I took him to r5 only for synergy (colossus)

    JBC89 said:

    I am just wondering because I want to take mine to r5.

    Omega Red IS better than Namor. He objectively has more utility than him and way more uses than what you described. His damage is good enough without suicides or biohazard type matchup.

    -Only use mediums literally doesn't matter. Most of his damage comes from passive degen and normal degen. Heavy attacks count for this too. Plus, unlike Namor, sig 200 doesn't make or break his utility

    -His regen is off the charts

    -His damage is amazing without suicides or biohazard

    -His multiple ways of dealing damage bypasses so many nodes. Additionally, no one's immune to his degen save for robots and there are only 10 of them in-game iirc.

    - He's practically double-immune

    -He reduces the AA of tenacity and debuff shrug-off of the opponent

    -His playstyle is extremely versatile so not many nodes limit him.

    This is just some of the general utility he has.
    Good damage without suicides, extremely versatile playstyle...hmm..(😂)

    He has double immunity that's the biggest advantage and I only took him to r5 for immunity (specially for biohazard type matchup) and synergies because I have better champs for double immunity who has much better damage for non Suicides rosters (g2099, ghost, dragon man, warlock)
    What? It's true and only "experienced Omega players can tell you that". I only ever had the 4* but he helped me so much in progression and I still regularly use him in cav eq and variants, he's an mvp in Variant 3 because his degen isn't affected by the weakness. And I've never used suicides.

    You're acting as if Omega hits like Groot without suicides and his playstyle is decently versatile.
    And what's the use of comparing their damage and using that to make Namor better? None of them are the hardest hitters in-game (especially with CGR around) and they both still hit pretty hard. Seems like you aren't playing him right and are just hating on him for Namor.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,547 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021
    I had both champs and omega as 6 star too. I chose namor (sig 100+) over omega for gem and signature stone investment. I must say i never regretted. This decision came when i had undupe Namor and duped high Sig omega as 4 stars early level of games. Namor had better damage that time but omega had better utilities.
    When 5 stars came I felt namor more useful with sigs. Tho he need max Sig for best utility of him ,he do very awesome job at 100+ Sig. Act 6 and act 7 HP pools are no joke. Omega could have taken forever (tested omega at bio hazard path) tho having Sig ability makes more impact but when it came to damage namor did very awesome job. His sig ability paid more than enough. I don't use namor in Aq or Aw as I have to better champs for that content but for eq or sq he is my must go champ. His damage compensate for many things. Hurt locker, special delivery etc bs nodes can be countered easily by him. So I prefer Namor over omega. Most importantly I don't run suicides so maybe I don't see full value in omega yet.
  • AGYAATAGYAAT Member Posts: 210

    AGYAAT said:

    AGYAAT said:

    Most of the community don't know how to use him (2 sp3 furry with 15 outrage & 2 bar of power) and that's why they said he had tedious ramp up... Why you think he is outdated?
    He can easily demolish 300k health pool with only 2 bars of power and 15 outrage, WITHOUT SUICIDES (very short ramp up, isn't it), top prestige and unique utility from max sig, cool animation (what else you want in single champ?)

    People are saying Omega red is better.. maybe, but he needs max sig with Suicides or biohazard type matchup for damage and his utility is restricted to use medium attacks to bypass thorn damage.. I have R5 sig 140 Omega red and I don't use Suicides, he takes forever to complete a standard act6 matchup (300k health pools).. I took him to r5 only for synergy (colossus)

    JBC89 said:

    I am just wondering because I want to take mine to r5.

    Omega Red IS better than Namor. He objectively has more utility than him and way more uses than what you described. His damage is good enough without suicides or biohazard type matchup.

    -Only use mediums literally doesn't matter. Most of his damage comes from passive degen and normal degen. Heavy attacks count for this too. Plus, unlike Namor, sig 200 doesn't make or break his utility

    -His regen is off the charts

    -His damage is amazing without suicides or biohazard

    -His multiple ways of dealing damage bypasses so many nodes. Additionally, no one's immune to his degen save for robots and there are only 10 of them in-game iirc.

    - He's practically double-immune

    -He reduces the AA of tenacity and debuff shrug-off of the opponent

    -His playstyle is extremely versatile so not many nodes limit him.

    This is just some of the general utility he has.
    Good damage without suicides, extremely versatile playstyle...hmm..(😂)

    He has double immunity that's the biggest advantage and I only took him to r5 for immunity (specially for biohazard type matchup) and synergies because I have better champs for double immunity who has much better damage for non Suicides rosters (g2099, ghost, dragon man, warlock)
    What? It's true and only "experienced Omega players can tell you that". I only ever had the 4* but he helped me so much in progression and I still regularly use him in cav eq and variants, he's an mvp in Variant 3 because his degen isn't affected by the weakness. And I've never used suicides.

    You're acting as if Omega hits like Groot without suicides and his playstyle is decently versatile.
    And what's the use of comparing their damage and using that to make Namor better? None of them are the hardest hitters in-game (especially with CGR around) and they both still hit pretty hard. Seems like you aren't playing him right and are just hating on him for Namor.
    I don't hate or love any of them.. I'm trying to saying that ''there are so many better champs than Omega red if you don't use Suicide" (not saying he is bad or like groot...) I have seen so many Omega red users and I know about the difference Suicides can make for Omega red specially for short fights like in aw where you can melt your opponent in just 20-30 second.

    If you think Omega red (without suicides) is best for anything aside from biohazard then I can tell you about better alternative by seeing your rosters.. it's all about how much developed rosters you have.. if you are beginner then Omega will be top choice for most content but if you have strong rosters and you are using Omega for most content, specially in non biohazard type matchup and no Suicides then you are forcing yourself or you are quite obsessed with him..

    I have very long experience of doing path assignments in aw for platinum alliances, you can say I have quite different approach than others because I don't blindly follow any opinions
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    AGYAAT said:

    AGYAAT said:

    AGYAAT said:

    Most of the community don't know how to use him (2 sp3 furry with 15 outrage & 2 bar of power) and that's why they said he had tedious ramp up... Why you think he is outdated?
    He can easily demolish 300k health pool with only 2 bars of power and 15 outrage, WITHOUT SUICIDES (very short ramp up, isn't it), top prestige and unique utility from max sig, cool animation (what else you want in single champ?)

    People are saying Omega red is better.. maybe, but he needs max sig with Suicides or biohazard type matchup for damage and his utility is restricted to use medium attacks to bypass thorn damage.. I have R5 sig 140 Omega red and I don't use Suicides, he takes forever to complete a standard act6 matchup (300k health pools).. I took him to r5 only for synergy (colossus)

    JBC89 said:

    I am just wondering because I want to take mine to r5.

    Omega Red IS better than Namor. He objectively has more utility than him and way more uses than what you described. His damage is good enough without suicides or biohazard type matchup.

    -Only use mediums literally doesn't matter. Most of his damage comes from passive degen and normal degen. Heavy attacks count for this too. Plus, unlike Namor, sig 200 doesn't make or break his utility

    -His regen is off the charts

    -His damage is amazing without suicides or biohazard

    -His multiple ways of dealing damage bypasses so many nodes. Additionally, no one's immune to his degen save for robots and there are only 10 of them in-game iirc.

    - He's practically double-immune

    -He reduces the AA of tenacity and debuff shrug-off of the opponent

    -His playstyle is extremely versatile so not many nodes limit him.

    This is just some of the general utility he has.
    Good damage without suicides, extremely versatile playstyle...hmm..(😂)

    He has double immunity that's the biggest advantage and I only took him to r5 for immunity (specially for biohazard type matchup) and synergies because I have better champs for double immunity who has much better damage for non Suicides rosters (g2099, ghost, dragon man, warlock)
    What? It's true and only "experienced Omega players can tell you that". I only ever had the 4* but he helped me so much in progression and I still regularly use him in cav eq and variants, he's an mvp in Variant 3 because his degen isn't affected by the weakness. And I've never used suicides.

    You're acting as if Omega hits like Groot without suicides and his playstyle is decently versatile.
    And what's the use of comparing their damage and using that to make Namor better? None of them are the hardest hitters in-game (especially with CGR around) and they both still hit pretty hard. Seems like you aren't playing him right and are just hating on him for Namor.
    I don't hate or love any of them.. I'm trying to saying that ''there are so many better champs than Omega red if you don't use Suicide" (not saying he is bad or like groot...) I have seen so many Omega red users and I know about the difference Suicides can make for Omega red specially for short fights like in aw where you can melt your opponent in just 20-30 second.

    If you think Omega red (without suicides) is best for anything aside from biohazard then I can tell you about better alternative by seeing your rosters.. it's all about how much developed rosters you have.. if you are beginner then Omega will be top choice for most content but if you have strong rosters and you are using Omega for most content, specially in non biohazard type matchup and no Suicides then you are forcing yourself or you are quite obsessed with him..

    I have very long experience of doing path assignments in aw for platinum alliances, you can say I have quite different approach than others because I don't blindly follow any opinions
    Not blindly following any opinions doesn't mean that your opinion is automatically correct. If you wanted to say that there are better champs than Omega with suicides, you should have said that instead putting the laughing emjoi next to "Good damage without suicides" because what I said IS true and you made yourself out to be some ignorant person. And being the best at something is not what makes or breaks Omega, it's that he has SO MUCH utility that he performs extremely well coupled with amazing damage that makes him so good.
  • heintje12heintje12 Member Posts: 31
    he never was....
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