June 2020, I cleared my initial path. November 2020, I maintained that I would never be bothered to explore it. May 2021, 2 paths done in the last month to leave me with 2 more to go. Not so bad to do when spreading a path over the space of a few days 👌🏽😂
Nice! What team did you use and any trouble fights? Looking at doing path 3 shortly myself
I took aegon (5*), torch (5*), doom (r3 6*), red mags (r3 6*) and heimdall.
Trouble fights for me were luke cage (better than when I faced him on path 2 as I ramped aegon a little so he was over 50 combo going into the fight) and the collector.
Would you say there is any point ramping Aegon more on Darkhawk (like using revives on Aegon), or is doing one run with Aegon and banking ~50 combo enough going into Luke Cage?
Would you say there is any point ramping Aegon more on Darkhawk (like using revives on Aegon), or is doing one run with Aegon and banking ~50 combo enough going into Luke Cage?
I’d say starting against luke cage with a 50 combo is a good minimum to plan with. It really depends on how comfortable you are with the luke fight. If you can get the heavy intercept technique down to a fairly consistent level then 50 is enough. Whenever I go for path 4, I think I’ll personally do a bit more ramping up with aegon (for path 3 I only did one fight vs dh, whereas I’d probably go for 3/4 fights next time) because it was just one of those fights I couldn’t quite get the technique down consistently enough.
As I said to naz in the prep, 1-3 revives on darkhawk with aegon, saved me so many on LC.. I was on about 300 combo by the time I reached LC, which made him and the next 2/3 fights a lot easier.
Even one revive to get you like 80-100 combo, makes life a lot easier.
June 2020, I cleared my initial path. November 2020, I maintained that I would never be bothered to explore it. May 2021, 2 paths done in the last month to leave me with 2 more to go. Not so bad to do when spreading a path over the space of a few days 👌🏽😂
Trouble fights for me were luke cage (better than when I faced him on path 2 as I ramped aegon a little so he was over 50 combo going into the fight) and the collector.
Hope that helps @altavista 💪🏽
Even one revive to get you like 80-100 combo, makes life a lot easier.