Level 1 revives and potions?

Why aren't we able to buy either of these for units? The pots aren't a big deal because you get them everywhere, but why not make the revives available for 20 or so units (as the level 2 revs are 40)? As a long time player and someone who is mostly free to play and on the verge of a first run at RoL it's crazy for me to shell out 40 units for a revive when I could be getting the level 1s for cheaper.
Or is it typical Kabam/Netmarble with the money grubbing?
Or is it typical Kabam/Netmarble with the money grubbing?
He probably has a life, unlike a lot of us lol
Just assume that the level 1 revives are the same price ad the level 2 ones if it makes you feel any better.