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Missing rewards from side event

Just started up the quest and there isn't anything in 4 of the spots, this isn't supposed to happen is it?


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    Supersha7Supersha7 Posts: 193 ★★
    Yes just happened to me also. Missing rewards from the side quest.

    I presume this is becuase boss wasn't killed last round? But I thought this had been fixed so you could quit out and go back in even if you didn't wait for reset?
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    TheShanManTheShanMan Posts: 17
    edited May 2021

    Same here, haven’t had the issue all month but it’s my last few runs and I’ve got tons of missing rewards..
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    ZeepZorpZeepZorp Posts: 111 ★★
    Happened to me as well. The first time I doubted myself as I thought I played close to reset. But it happened a second time after the second reset. The rewards changed but the gaps with no rewards stayed the same with no rewards.
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    RonSwansonRonSwanson Posts: 1,171 ★★★★
    Zan0 said:

    Just 18 hours left of these posts

    Then it's the "side quest disappeared and I still have keys left" threads time
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    CioperCioper Posts: 19
    Same here... Didn't kill boss in previous run, coz all my characters died and wouldn't get anything for killing him anyway. Next quest - no rewards...

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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,303 ★★★★★
    Cioper said:

    Same here... Didn't kill boss in previous run, coz all my characters died and wouldn't get anything for killing him anyway. Next quest - no rewards...

    It’s not a bug.
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