Who to upgrade and which incursions crystal to buy?
I am pushing for cav, and will do variant 3 and 4 once I hit level 45 to get another few 5* and some more rank up mats.
Would like to know who to upgrade from quake, guillotine and iBom. I will be able to take one of them to r4. I can quake and shake (can't heavy only) consistently (apart from silver centurion who always clips me for some reason) , but I feel health pools will get too high to quake. Was thinking of taking guillotine up, as I have the option to hit labyrinth for some more resources if she's at r5.
Additionally, I can buy one of the specialised incursion crystals for 5 star champs, or go for the basic 5 star. Was thinking of going for the domino/medusa crystal. Thought process is that although my roster is super small, I have the best unawakened science champs, and won't rank techs unless I pull ghost. Skill, mystic cosmic and mutant are weaknesses of my roster atm which id like to sort out. Plus medusa is a robot slaying beast.