Is 6.2 Champion bugged?

This morning i was fighting the Champion in 6.2 and even if he had slow he was unstoppable, so when i got 70% he stunned me and rekt me

Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
His ability accuracy alow him to still have his unstoppable? Is the first time i fight him, with she hulk, and all the videos i saw he wasn't having the unstoppable icon🤔
Here this is from 8 months ago LoL but this is exactly was is happening to me now
He has a 1/4 chance to trigger the unstoppable but he triggered every single time
Ideal situation is to corner him and just pummel him with heavies and maybe stand up intercepts if you have to. When he throws his sp1 (which he will as your furies bait it) and goes unstoppable back off and counter it with your heavy, rinse and repeat.
The only thing you really need to understand is spacing, sometimes you need to throw a light or alternatively time the second hit of the heavy to punish his sp1, if you back off too far.