Sentry rework

This would be 6 star stats
Sentry Mcoc rekit:
Signature ability:
At sig (200) shrug off debuffs 99.9% faster
At sig (1) shrug of debuffs 70% faster
Gain + 6000 physical resistance
Gain + 9900 energy resistance
Perfect block chance increased by 10% for each fury on sentry.
When 10% health is lost gain an indestructible for 8 seconds.
Golden sentry serum provides full immunity to fatigue, weakness and armor break.
While blocking energy attacks absorb them gaining 5% power and reduce incoming damage by an additional 55%. Sentry is photokinetic if he is played during the day gain 10% combat power rate.
All attacks:
Destroy opponents molecular structure reducing armor rating by 5 permanently, additionally ignore all physical and energy resistance.
Heavy attacks:
•Gain an aptitude increasing fury potency by 10% for 10 seconds.
•double the number of inactive overpowering light.
•refresh any fury
Ending a 5 hit combo with a medium:
Gain 1 inactive overpowering light.
Ending a 5 hit combo with a light attack:
Activate all over powering light.
Overpowering light - passive: (max 99)
•while inactive over powering light are passive and last indefinitely
•while active passive charges last 2 seconds and fall off 1 at a time.
•On activation gain 1 fury for each inactive overpowering light increasing attack rating by +1990 for 10 seconds
•as long as 1 charge remains active regenerate 1% Heath per second.
Special attacks:
100% chance to become unblockable
Special attack 1:
Refresh aptitude.
Special attack 2 :
Refresh aptitude, additionally armor break the opponent reducing armor rating by 6000.
Special attack 3:
Gain intimidating presence and place a permanent petrify reducing healing abilities by 100%, additionally inflict a permanent fatigue reducing critical damage by 3000.
Sentry Mcoc rekit:
Signature ability:
At sig (200) shrug off debuffs 99.9% faster
At sig (1) shrug of debuffs 70% faster
Gain + 6000 physical resistance
Gain + 9900 energy resistance
Perfect block chance increased by 10% for each fury on sentry.
When 10% health is lost gain an indestructible for 8 seconds.
Golden sentry serum provides full immunity to fatigue, weakness and armor break.
While blocking energy attacks absorb them gaining 5% power and reduce incoming damage by an additional 55%. Sentry is photokinetic if he is played during the day gain 10% combat power rate.
All attacks:
Destroy opponents molecular structure reducing armor rating by 5 permanently, additionally ignore all physical and energy resistance.
Heavy attacks:
•Gain an aptitude increasing fury potency by 10% for 10 seconds.
•double the number of inactive overpowering light.
•refresh any fury
Ending a 5 hit combo with a medium:
Gain 1 inactive overpowering light.
Ending a 5 hit combo with a light attack:
Activate all over powering light.
Overpowering light - passive: (max 99)
•while inactive over powering light are passive and last indefinitely
•while active passive charges last 2 seconds and fall off 1 at a time.
•On activation gain 1 fury for each inactive overpowering light increasing attack rating by +1990 for 10 seconds
•as long as 1 charge remains active regenerate 1% Heath per second.
Special attacks:
100% chance to become unblockable
Special attack 1:
Refresh aptitude.
Special attack 2 :
Refresh aptitude, additionally armor break the opponent reducing armor rating by 6000.
Special attack 3:
Gain intimidating presence and place a permanent petrify reducing healing abilities by 100%, additionally inflict a permanent fatigue reducing critical damage by 3000.