Carina's challenge

NobitaNobita Member Posts: 13
I recently came to see this Carina's challenge thing so I wanted to know more about it but I won't be getting it as I am still cavalier.

So I wanted some end game players to explain it to me like what is this challenge and rewards and what are all the requirements for it


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  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,285 ★★★★
    RekMan said:

    Dance off: Do a path of Labyrinth with only a 4 star Star Lord on your roster. Reward: 0.2 t3a, 1 t5b, 750k gold.
    O Canada: Complete a path of Labyrinth using only Canadian champions. Reward: 1 6* nexus crystal, 4 t2a, 1mill gold.
    Inhuman Stamina: Complete a path of Labyrinth using only inhuman champions. Reward: 0.2 t6b, 1 t5b, 750k gold.
    1992-97: Complete 6.1.5 with only five star Beast, Cyclops (Blue), Gambit, Jubilee, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Wolverine, and Storm. Reward: 0.2 T5cc crystal selecter, 0.5 T5b, 1 4 star Star Lord.
    Super Punchout: Complete 6.2.6 with only Five or Six star Kamala Khan in your team roster. Reward: 0.2 T5cc Crystal Selector, 1 t2a, 450k gold.
    Astral Anger: Complete 6.2.5 with only 5* cosmic champs. Reward: 0.2 T5cc Crystal Selecter, 5* Kamala Khan, 500k gold.
    Name Here: Complete 5.2.6 with only 3 star red and blue cyclops on your team. Reward: 7.5k six star shards, 1 6* Generic rank 2 rank up gem, 1 3 star loki.
    Name Here: Complete 5.3.1 with no mystics and only 3 star champs on your team. Reward: 15k 6 star shards, 3 t4cc, 1 red and 1 blue cyclops.
    Name Here: Complete 5.4.6 with only a 3 star Loki on your team. Reward: 15k six star shards, 7 t4b, 300k gold.
    Complete all within the next month: 1 pfp of loki thats encased in cheese.
    Complete all challenges: 0.25 t3a, 0.25 t6b, 1 t5cc selector, 50 6* generic sig stones.

    More notes:

    Lol runs: Will cost units. Deal with it. It's just like old LoL, but worse.

    1992-1997: If you have a Rogue, you'll be fine. I took the far left path. Only pain points were Sabretooth (I tried killing him with Wolverine. Took forever) and the Buffet WS (Gonna need a lot of damage output for that one), but it removed Bane from Crossbones which let R4 Rogue steamroll him.

    Super Punchout: Magik will cost units. Champion can be soloed, but will likely make you want to quit many, many times over.

    Astral Anger: Hyperion, CGR, Heimdall, Odin. Those four will net you a completion. Corvus is good as well. Just make sure to take the far right path and drop the Shock Resistance buff on whoever you fight Captain Marvel with.

    Asgardian Cheese: Take Electro. Yellowjacket is a trap fight. After that, Rage is the most easily completable path. Ultron is actually a very fun fight-dodge until you get an L1, steal his power gain buff, drop an L3, take buffs to your heart's content. The fury is actually huge on Loki-A single combo will do upwards of 40% to him. As a 3*.

    Mystic Dispersed: Cosmic path is probably easiest, but just bring your best 3*s and something for Mordo and you'll be fine. I personally got on with Aegon, Void, Guardian, and some synergies.

    Miike's Revenge: You will die umpteen thousand times to Collector. It's best to put on suicides at that point-you'll get 10 hits tops most of the time, so just buckle down and think of the Queen.
  • NobitaNobita Member Posts: 13
    That's some huge information I gotta hurry for my thronebreaker thanks a bunch @YoMoves
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    Realistic you should look at 4 challenges:

    Mordo in act 5 (only use 3* here)

    Mordo in act 6 (only use 5* cosmics here)

    Crossbones in act 6 (only use OG mutants 5* here / Rogue can do the whole path at R4)

    Ultron in act 5 (use 3* Loki)

    The Loki challenge is probably the hardest and Mutant or 3* will be the easiest if you have the right champs imo
  • NobitaNobita Member Posts: 13
    Ill probably be thronebreaker by 22 so I'll be taking challenges there so maybe I can use your order to do these
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