Now I’m just very confused

Kavya30Kavya30 Member Posts: 213 ★★★
So I’ve been saving up for the July 4th deals and am at 2.6k units and the roadmap dropped. I’m genuinely very very confused now on what to do. Do I use the units for act 7.2 exploration? Save up for the other upcoming ones like grandmaster gauntlet or continue saving until July 4th? Since I’m thronebreaker and importantly FTP, I am expecting the deals to be awesome as usual but am just confused now. What are y’all doing? Especially FTPs?


  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,661 ★★★★★
    With the exception of Summer of Pain, all of the content that’s coming is permanent. I’d say keep stockpiling the units for now and then make your decision once you’ve seen the deals.

    That’s what I did for last Cyber Weekend, ended up taking my units into the Abyss rather than spend them on the deals.
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