LF 1BG to fill out (Merge) || AQ Map 5x5 (120M) || AW 2BG (S2)

Good day everyone, we are the Legion of the Unliving. We are a group of old friends who joined together to build a new alliance and looking for New people to expand the team.
--> Fun and relaxed team.
--> No pushing.
--> LINE required.

AQ - Map 5x5 (EPIC mods)
AW - 2BG (based on preference) Silver 2
20 Members are there right now, so we are looking for 5 - 10 people to run 3BG AQ.
This is our first season and we are not giving you attractive rewards at the moment, but we are building a strong & successful alliance. Come join the team.
Hit me up
in-game: Tony Stark Pots
Line: tonystarkpots
--> Fun and relaxed team.
--> No pushing.
--> LINE required.

AQ - Map 5x5 (EPIC mods)
AW - 2BG (based on preference) Silver 2
20 Members are there right now, so we are looking for 5 - 10 people to run 3BG AQ.
This is our first season and we are not giving you attractive rewards at the moment, but we are building a strong & successful alliance. Come join the team.

Hit me up

in-game: Tony Stark Pots
Line: tonystarkpots