T1 maybe complaining about easily getting 100%ing war but it's hard enough for t3 now

Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
I think the balance has been made ok now, I haven't seen 2 boss kills on over half of our t3 wars, I would Like to address that these wars were supposed to have less waiting on nodes when in fact they are much more complicated, before your buffs everyone was just fighting through them, but now they are too hard to do that, war has become a grind and needs as much checking in as a map 5 I can't even get my alliance to fill
2 bgs anymore because no one wants to be part of it, stuck waiting behind nodes, waiting for Energy all the time, having to check in all the time to
Do one or two fights, this whole war is a disaster, nobody likes it, and tHis isn't sour grapes we have won 9/12.
Please remove the energy needed for portals, and take some
Of the linked nodes out. For us who organise our alliances war this has become a full time job and I'm about ready to
Retire from it
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