New Arena Structure Feedback



  • LemuranLemuran Member Posts: 8
    I'm a Thronebreaker player. I have a solid 6 star roster which is very fortunate for me. Spent a lot of money to get there but I have NEVER put up 33 million points in the arena. I'm trying to get the milestones in and in 2 days it's looking like I might complete 1 of the 3 arenas when I used to complete 3 fully and 3-4 milestones out of the 5 star featured. I have a suggestion that I'm sure you've heard but it also leaves less overlap throughout the arenas and would allow people like me(who have a job they have to work and just love giving that money back to Kabam) still maximize their efforts without making it even easier for some people with even larger rosters to just pop on and claim everything in 2 hours. 1st change I would recommend is summoner trials caps at 3 stars and scale the milestones appropriately. If this is the only pre-uncollected arena available to people then they won't have the resources necessary to develop a decent sized 4 star roster for this grind. Additionally they shouldn't be investing those resources into a large roster of 4 stars when the goal is to get them into 5 star territory. The ranked rewards should go unchanged. This should be a way for people pre-uncollected to expand their 4 star rosters while earning units to help them progress to uncollected. 2nd change would be to have the basic arena exclusively 4 and 5 star champions and scale the milestone requirements down probably 50% but keep the same spread of rewards and number of milestones. For the same reasoning as the above change I believe the access to a 6 star basic champion should still be available. People without an insanely extensive 5 star roster wouldn't be able to even make it into the top 500 so the champions would more than likely go to people that are opting to grind for that specific basic champion instead of the featured one. 3rd change would be just removing the 4 stars from the featured arena. They don't honestly do anything so the emphasis should be there for players to spread their champions between the three arenas to optimize their grind. It's not all bad though. The milestones for the featured arena are fair! I love that pre-uncollected players are being incentivized to finish story content. The change from PHC shards to GM Shards is amazing and solves a huge ISO issue for some players. Excellent job releasing this change and of course there will be negative feedback but hopefully mine was more constructive than negative because I do believe the layout is beautiful but as with anything in life there is opportunity!
  • MusiciusMusicius Member Posts: 19
    We went from needing to do around 20 million points with all of our roster being able to use to having to do 33 with the same roster plus 2 million with mostly 3 or 4* for 5 units more than the previous time. The math makes zero sense and as much. As I tried to defend it, you made the grind feel a lot worse
  • LexLuТhorLexLuТhor Member Posts: 1
    I have a newbie account. How do you suggest I go through the content? Return to normal arenas
  • xNooBxMaster69xxNooBxMaster69x Member Posts: 15
    The way arenas are now are way worse than before and they were be bad to begin with.
    Now not only am I not having any fun and have to mindlessly grind like I used to but I can't even get the few rewards from milestones I would previously get by playing casually. Back then at least I could get some units with the 2, 3 and 4 star versions while now you have to do it with 4 stars only. Previously I could use my few 5 stars for a couple easy milestones and now they are useless. This is bad for summoners with a large 6 star roster, let alone someone like me who doesn't even have 10 of them.
    As they are now arenas, at least for someone like me, aren't even worth touching for anything more than playing one fight to unlock the alliance arena quest rewards. There needs to be more and better rewards per single milestone and a lower number of total milestones and there needs to be a way for 5 stars to be relevant again.
    I'm not even gonna go to death matches, endless streak and the rest of the crazy problems there are with arena cuz I don't even know how they can be fixed or how hard it might be to fix them, but at the very least fix the reward for now so arena can at bare minimum be worthy to play casually.
  • MattwodMattwod Member Posts: 4
    Arenas should be based on progression level an uncollected can't compete with a, cavalier which can't compete with a thronebreaker account ...based on roster depth or even the rank/level of their champions. I've been playing the game 5 years, I'll admit I'm not much of a grinder, but I would do enough to get the milestones 2 - 4mil, I find the arena grinding boring in general, let alone you have all these bots and whales inflating the numbers to get a champ... it's pointless for a middle of the road player.
    There should only be milestones, why have ambiguous ranks? Give people a target even if it's a crazy amount like 60mil at least I can plant it out with my roster.
    Just the thought of spending days upon days boringly grinding just to miss being in the top 400 is enough to make me loath trying to get a champ via arena grinding. Like I said I used to hit the milestones at least but I probably won't even bother now.
  • jamesC12jamesC12 Member Posts: 1

    Mike the arena are very good but please improve the units rewards thanks.
  • AltairMUP96AltairMUP96 Member Posts: 126 ★★
    I'm uncollected, but please bring back the classic 3* Featured Hero arenas. I mean, you guys did just make our champions unable to sell. Then what would be the point of using our 2 and 3 stars if we can't grind in the basic arena?

    I got a bunch of 3 star awakening gems available to use, so when Mr. Negative comes to the arena, please make an option to get our 3 stars.
  • PankajpkPankajpk Member Posts: 1
    Very bad arena
  • Ankit143soAnkit143so Member Posts: 5
    Mix emotions but kabam should atleast increase some amount of units we grind mainly for units which is very less as compared to older one
  • Dukie5021Dukie5021 Member Posts: 32
    I think the rewards could stay pretty much the same but the milestones shouldn't be as high. Karatemike has a video on how he would fix it and I agree mostly with his ideas.

    I will say, the appeal of the old 4 star basic arena was the percentage reward gave the champ. If you grinded, you could obtain the champ...this was huge in my progression in the game early on. When it was hard to obtain 4 star shards, you still had the option to grind the basic. I was really disappointed that the new basic had no champs in the percentage reward. At this point in the contest with nexus crystals everywhere and the dual class crystals and the "wish crystal" in the works, it doesn't seem unreasonable to hand out a basic 5 star champ in the top 5% and top 10% rewards. Even if it was at the expense of the 5 star shards in the 1-5% and 5-10% rewards. Bots already take half of the champs from arenas and that's never been, maybe can't be, fixed... So at least the percentage reward of the champ would throw us real players a bone.
    I've opened thousands of 5 star crystals and still can't find antman or falcon, it'd be nice to be able to grind for them like I used to grind and get basic 4 star champs when my account was coming together.
  • ExWeaponExWeapon Member Posts: 27
    81 rounds to hit all milestones in the featured arena using 6* champs. Zero desire to do another 81 for the basic.
  • ExWeaponExWeapon Member Posts: 27

    Crys23 said:

    Hello everybody,

    Thank you all for your feedback on the new setup for Arenas. We’ve gotten a lot of feedback, especially surrounding the number of fights required to hit all of the Milestones.

    One of our goals in this refresh was to keep the number of fights/series required to hit the Milestones more or less equal to what it was before, and the milestones would change based on the ability to use higher Rarity Champions in more Arenas.

    While it’s too early to see exactly what the effect is through Data, you’ve all let us know that the current Milestones require more time and effort to obtain than the previous ones.

    There are many reasons behind this, including higher point values, multiple Arenas allowing the use of 4,5, and 6-Star Champions, and more Milestone thresholds.

    While we don’t have a plan in place for how we want to address these concerns, we want to assure you all that we are exploring a number of options to address your concerns, and are committed to reducing the Grind once again.

    We’re going to do our best, but it’s important to note that in some cases, things may still require a little more effort for some Summoners than before. Because everybody is at a different place in their progression, it is very difficult to come up with a solution that addresses the situation for every Summoner.

    We won’t be able to address this right away, and there will be more Arenas like this before we can implement a new plan.

    There is additional feedback on other topics, and we will continue to explore those, especially after this first iteration of the new Arena ends, but don’t have anything to share on that at this time.

    The new arenas are bad for me, TB player, 2.5m account, 90 6*s, 165 5*s. It requires double the time and effort.
    And that's what we want to address. We don't want it to take more time than it did before. We're saying that we need a little wiggle room because it's pretty hard for us to come up with a solution that will be perfect for everyone, but are going to do out best to get as close as we can.
    For the basic, cut the milestones in half and remove 6* eligibility. easy fix to give you time to get a better solution.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    For the record, I enjoy the new Arenas and what they offer. There are some issues with what people have to sacrifice and they've been duely noted. I would like to see some kind of solution that accommodates everyone and keeps them around.
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  • PseudouberPseudouber Member Posts: 880 ★★★

    At a glance, the milestones are way too high, A standard cavalier player probably has around 40 6 stars, meaning that youll have to pick one arena to get the milestones in, and then you lose out on the units from the others. I love the grandmaster shard change, but overall im sad that the FTP player is not going to have as easy of a time grinding out units for deals.

    40 6* I would say about 4-8 crappy to mid-tier champs
  • PseudouberPseudouber Member Posts: 880 ★★★
    Milestones wayyy to high and the grandmaster shards need to be updated to cav or 5* shards in the 6* arena
  • MalcolmFlexMalcolmFlex Member Posts: 12
    Not a fan of the new arenas. There's some positive changes made, but they are heavily overshadowed by the egregiously high milestones. Nothing about this new set up makes it easy for the vast majority of players. Lowering milestones to something reasonable and providing more 1.5x to 2x arena boosts for 4 & 5* champs can help tremendously.
  • Dukie5021Dukie5021 Member Posts: 32
    After further review. The 6 star basic should award the top 1-5% the 6 star basic champ and the 5-10% the 5 star.
  • 2_Wheeler2_Wheeler Member Posts: 106

    Yep these are my accounts
  • JewkoJewko Member Posts: 4
    Hello kabam, I am totally dissatisfied with the stadium. The points are set very high for the milestones. The units exploitation is far too little compared to before. Please change that. I don't have too many 6 * Champs so I can play that, so for the people who haven't been around for very long, the stadiums are nothing.
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