Arena is broken. Facimg same death match with same opponent against same team

Four times in a row i faced same opponent with exactly same team of omega, red killmonger and void in the new falcon arena. I upload the screenshots of the last two rounds.
I’ve faced cowhale four times as well
Only have the one ss but man
Got these as 3 straight arenas. No more deathmatches my butt
Also, the Milestones are so far off from being reasonable and certainly are NOT a "QOL & exciting improvement to Arena" as the Dev Diary said it would be
Come one man. How many more times? This is legit ruining arena even more ;_;
The problem is getting good defenders whose pi is thrice than yours.... if you are unlucky like me you face opponents with nasty synergies like I had with void and km every matchup after streak 5. What would you call that “Abomination match” or “BreakYourPhone match”
If there was more variety and the rank-difference was capped, I'd be golden on that front. One of the main reasons I like arena is because I get to use champs I don't usually use against defenders I don't usually see.
I only use 5* from 1-12.
1-8 are standard fights with lowest 5* working bottom to top in my roster. 9-12 are still low 5*, but ones that work well (no lame champs) and a sandbag 4* to drop the overall pi of the match opponents for my clutch 5* champs in these rounds.
Rounds 13-20 I use 1 x 6* r2 (or R3) and 2 x 6* R1 at any level until I run out of r2s. When I do and really anytime after round 16, just use all 6* R1
Haven't seen any death matches doing this. Swap a 6* r2 for a 5* R5 or swap a 6* R1 for a 5* R4. Essentially, the outcome is the same, but use 6* first for most points.
The fights I see issues with in this thread are trying to use 3 champs that's are no higher than 6* R1 or 5* r4. The meta is changing in rounds 8-13.. either sandbag or always have just 1x 5* R5 or a 6* R2 in those rounds to keep the patched pi lower.
@SpideyFunko that's not a deathmatch in your screenshot. As pointed out by others a 6* r2 is comparable to a 5* R5 in power. Their PI is higher because they're duped and probably max sig. If you want more favorable matchups in those rounds, don't use all 5* R5. Use 1x R5 (or 6* R2) and 2 x 5* R4 (or 6* R1). Your less likely to get the hardest team matchups like that.
Same as its always been for me.
At rd 8, I use at least r2-6*, you will get Kang/thanks teams until rd 15. Be warned, you will need at least an r2-6* or equivalent
IMO, its impossible to get deathmatched using a team of R1 6*’s because the highest rank we can fight are R3 6*’s and that is not enough of a discrepancy to be completely outmatched.