Arena is broken. Facimg same death match with same opponent against same team

RahultripathiRahultripathi Member Posts: 233 ★★

Four times in a row i faced same opponent with exactly same team of omega, red killmonger and void in the new falcon arena. I upload the screenshots of the last two rounds.


  • RahultripathiRahultripathi Member Posts: 233 ★★

    Looks tough but winnable. Certainly not ideal.

    Everything thing in this game is winnable you only need time and loads of money.... In my instance I lost points from six star champs which takes sixteen hour to refresh and since I don’t have extensive 6 star roster I lost time.
  • legrindlegrind Member Posts: 81
    We need to do dozens of fight in areans. Everytime we cant fight these almost unwinnable fights.
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★

    I’ve faced cowhale four times as well

    Only have the one ss but man

    i face someone named yinsmonke like every other time for some reason. i'll get some screenshots
  • MAERvelGODMAERvelGOD Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    11 fights in seems A LOT early to see this kind of matchup....

    Also, the Milestones are so far off from being reasonable and certainly are NOT a "QOL & exciting improvement to Arena" as the Dev Diary said it would be

  • Kavya30Kavya30 Member Posts: 213 ★★★

    Come one man. How many more times? This is legit ruining arena even more ;_;
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★

    I’ve faced cowhale four times as well

    Only have the one ss but man

    is this considered a deathmatch? 5/65 and 6/2 champs are pretty much equal
    i only consider it a deathmatch if the opponent is more than twice yours, and they're a good defender.
  • RahultripathiRahultripathi Member Posts: 233 ★★

    I’ve faced cowhale four times as well

    Only have the one ss but man

    is this considered a deathmatch? 5/65 and 6/2 champs are pretty much equal
    i only consider it a deathmatch if the opponent is more than twice yours, and they're a good defender.

    The problem is getting good defenders whose pi is thrice than yours.... if you are unlucky like me you face opponents with nasty synergies like I had with void and km every matchup after streak 5. What would you call that “Abomination match” or “BreakYourPhone match”
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★

    I’ve faced cowhale four times as well

    Only have the one ss but man

    is this considered a deathmatch? 5/65 and 6/2 champs are pretty much equal
    i only consider it a deathmatch if the opponent is more than twice yours, and they're a good defender.

    The problem is getting good defenders whose pi is thrice than yours.... if you are unlucky like me you face opponents with nasty synergies like I had with void and km every matchup after streak 5. What would you call that “Abomination match” or “BreakYourPhone match”
    just look at the images that i posted above here. i'm having deathmatches where my average pi is 5k and my opponent's is 20k
  • MAERvelGODMAERvelGOD Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    Some are winnable, but it takes more time along with the general grind taking even more time, higher scores and the opposite of a QOL improvement BY A MILLION MILES.....
  • TrashyPandaTrashyPanda Member Posts: 1,574 ★★★★★
    I actually like harder opponents, so long as I don't have to face 6r3 Suicide Doom, Nick, and Elsa every.single.round. Helps with points.

    If there was more variety and the rank-difference was capped, I'd be golden on that front. One of the main reasons I like arena is because I get to use champs I don't usually use against defenders I don't usually see.
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 721 ★★★★
    Seems like the 2X enemy teams are applied again, and couting new Rank 3 champs, was obvious the upgrade of Death matches.
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    For what it's worth... And not seeing any death matches doing this ...

    I only use 5* from 1-12.
    1-8 are standard fights with lowest 5* working bottom to top in my roster. 9-12 are still low 5*, but ones that work well (no lame champs) and a sandbag 4* to drop the overall pi of the match opponents for my clutch 5* champs in these rounds.

    Rounds 13-20 I use 1 x 6* r2 (or R3) and 2 x 6* R1 at any level until I run out of r2s. When I do and really anytime after round 16, just use all 6* R1

    Haven't seen any death matches doing this. Swap a 6* r2 for a 5* R5 or swap a 6* R1 for a 5* R4. Essentially, the outcome is the same, but use 6* first for most points.

    The fights I see issues with in this thread are trying to use 3 champs that's are no higher than 6* R1 or 5* r4. The meta is changing in rounds 8-13.. either sandbag or always have just 1x 5* R5 or a 6* R2 in those rounds to keep the patched pi lower.

    @SpideyFunko that's not a deathmatch in your screenshot. As pointed out by others a 6* r2 is comparable to a 5* R5 in power. Their PI is higher because they're duped and probably max sig. If you want more favorable matchups in those rounds, don't use all 5* R5. Use 1x R5 (or 6* R2) and 2 x 5* R4 (or 6* R1). Your less likely to get the hardest team matchups like that.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,339 ★★★★★
    At which round are these death-matches?
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    My game likes a triple doom option and when I get in there it almost always Doom, Gully 2099 and Corvus Glaive ......I fight that team of 3 at minimum 4x every 20 rounds.....and I'll be cruising on like round 30 and it's all easy and then I'll be out of r3 5 stars so I'll drop in a team of r2 or r1s and that is ALWAYS when I face a deathmatch
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,339 ★★★★★

    At which round are these death-matches?

    i started facing them right after i hit 3X multiplier after round 5.
    I am at Round 13 and yet to face a death match. I am using Sandbag tactic from round 5 to 12.
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 987 ★★★

    At which round are these death-matches?

    i started facing them right after i hit 3X multiplier after round 5.
    What rank are the champions you are using? You are either using teams that are too low or too high. Go with teams of R1 5*’s till match 10. Sandbag 11-13 with 2 R1 or R2 5*’s and 1 R1 4*. 14-15 use R1 6*’s or R4 5*’s and then 16-20 use your 5/65’s or R2-3 6*’s.

  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 987 ★★★
    Im seeing no issues facing deathmatches or any changing requirements to get to the infinite streak.

    Same as its always been for me.
  • tpeters85tpeters85 Member Posts: 59

    I’ve faced cowhale four times as well

    Only have the one ss but man

    Bro, how is your PI so low with 5/65 champs? Do you even have masteries on?

  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,339 ★★★★★

    Im seeing no issues facing deathmatches or any changing requirements to get to the infinite streak.

    Same as its always been for me.

    Some may consider these as facing death-match.
  • GatorSlam_MrvKnGatorSlam_MrvKn Member Posts: 211
    I use r1-6* until round 7.
    At rd 8, I use at least r2-6*, you will get Kang/thanks teams until rd 15. Be warned, you will need at least an r2-6* or equivalent
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 987 ★★★

    Im seeing no issues facing deathmatches or any changing requirements to get to the infinite streak.

    Same as its always been for me.

    Some may consider these as facing death-match.
    They’d be wrong. A deathmatch is facing R3 6*’s with a squad of R1/R2 5*’s.

    IMO, its impossible to get deathmatched using a team of R1 6*’s because the highest rank we can fight are R3 6*’s and that is not enough of a discrepancy to be completely outmatched.

  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,339 ★★★★★

    Im seeing no issues facing deathmatches or any changing requirements to get to the infinite streak.

    Same as its always been for me.

    Some may consider these as facing death-match.
    They’d be wrong. A deathmatch is facing R3 6*’s with a squad of R1/R2 5*’s.

    IMO, its impossible to get deathmatched using a team of R1 6*’s because the highest rank we can fight are R3 6*’s and that is not enough of a discrepancy to be completely outmatched.

    I think the complaint is AI don't throw special.
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