How much time on average do you spend each day on MCOC?

Nalak8Nalak8 Member Posts: 387 ★★★
Just wanted to see how much time we’re all spending on this game each day. I feel like it’s taking over my life. I spend maybe 3-4 hours on this game a day.

How much time on average do you spend each day on MCOC? 66 votes

0-1 hour
TheHoodedDormammumanveertherealButtehrsHera1d_of_Ga1actusN1nthcloudCrcrcrcanaLysis_Prtjo 8 votes
1-2 hour
SnakeEyes69bm3eppsFurious_Fighter1yuwAckbar67Malreck04shadow_lurker22JuggerNotItsDamienDarkDuelistA7madD1wScarXSkyLord7000HoitadoTrashPanda12ScrubhanPuttPuttRiptideRekManNikunj_95 23 votes
2-3 hour
TristanPizzabeatDjinCaptain_Pug30FabriciusAlaBillPricelessIcy000SpideyFunkoKhaos369CrasyduckTheGodfather39odishika123AmnetiesWeenerJoshKosh557EdisonLaw 17 votes
3-4 hour
No_oneukSkillful_starHeroesforhire18_Aomine_Daiki10MAERvelGODBuffBeastBurrito2525Ghost12SantiagoEhsaanDragfire1760chaos12996gggg00 12 votes
5 or more hour
jdrum663SociopathKhushhalPsyGrinder_XThanks_D19OneGirlArmy 6 votes


  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,643 ★★★★★
    3-4 hour
    With the new arena I think 0
  • Putang76Putang76 Member Posts: 283 ★★

    on the plus side, these arenas suck so I’m going to be spending less time!

    on the negative side, these arenas suck so I’m going to be spending less time

    Exactly my thoughts
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    0-1 hour
    Actually spend like 2 hours but I feel like voting for option 1
  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,408 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021
    2-3 hour
    It was about 3-7 hours depends on if I am free but now that they have killed arena for me about 2-3 hours a day
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