Gold1 6.6.5 Master Mods 100% all BGS.. Need 1 Active member

Hey guys, we need 1 active member that can handle the content and has a good roster. Must have at least 11 ranked champs that’s R5 5* champs and R2 6* champs. Our alliance is Skrull Armada.. Add me on line if interested my line is joep22662266


  • LouisW89LouisW89 Member Posts: 126
    I'm interested
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Message me on line
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    My line ID is joep22662266
  • JoepJoep Member Posts: 106
    Alliance is full but we are always looking for active members.. 8 days until AW season ends.. If you’d like to join let me know
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