Is MCOC Forever? My Feedback on overall state of Game and Suggestions for Kabam team.

MaxLeeMaxLee Member Posts: 205 ★★
To start with I want to take our memories back to last December during MCOC’s 6 years anniversary Video which said MCOC FOREVER, seeing that I felt wow this game is evolving for good, and the future looks great.

Early this month they released the DEV: Dairy update after reading through it I felt excited and the future looked more promising for MCOC.

Then, last Thursday New Arena Structure released in-game and suddenly it felt like THANOS came out from the Avengers infinity wars movie and invaded the game and had SNAPED HIS FINGER AND THE HALF (MORE THAN HALF ACTUALLY) OF THE GAME SUMMONERS ARE GOING TO PERISH AWAY (DOT), which is what is going to happen if this New Arena Structure is not changed.

I completely understand that game needs money to run and it was a tough last year and their revenue would have certainly dipped, which was to do with the pandemic, which had its good and bad sides in-game. You’ll be thinking about what was good. The good part was that it gave summoners loads of time, due to lockdown/ work from home, to grind in Arena which resulted in ppl clearing content, buying unit offers without spending money which was bad for Kabam. But let me tell you Kabam team this will not be the case moving forward as the world is getting back to normal things will change and ppl will have less time to grind the arena than last year.

Now, also to point out some good things which are happening in-game:

Alliance Quest: The recent update to AQ is the best, removing/reducing link nodes & improving the glory store will help all summoners, it might still feel boring to some but it is a must to do AQ especially to gather T2A. Map 8 to look forward to.

Alliance War: Need to wait and see the upcoming update. The current AW is slightly boring but ok.

Book 2 (Act 7): The last chapter Act 7.1 was great and Act 7.2 also looks promising even if some summoners are crying, I feel the rewards are decent taking into account the rewards on the paths (chest). The 6 opponent per path and choice of boss design is just amazing.

Abyss of Legends: It is lengthy, difficult, boring, and to some extend frustrating but the rewards make it all worth it. Love to see more content like it.

New Upcoming Content: This is taken from the Dev Dairy, all the content highlighted in it looks exciting Grandmaster Gauntlet, Summer of Pain, Variant 8, Act 7.3 and I look forward to it all.

Carina’s Challenge: The rewards for challenge completion are really great which requires a high level of skill or units so in short, it is a Cash Grab but I am ok with it as it is permanent and summoners have the option to do or not to do it.


1)By making great new exciting content with great rewards like Book 2 (Act 7) specially Abyss of Legends and Carina’s Challenge (its length but rewards are worth it) will actually make summoners tempted to spend. Some summoners (mainly FTP ) will still have to wait, grind Arena and then do it but at the pace, game is going potential spenders wouldn’t want to be left behind so goods offer might tempt them to spend to compete in-game.

2)Releasing new great champs with unique utility/ skills will also excite summoners to spend in early access bundles or unit purchases for Cav crystals.

3) Improving the offers & deals like 4th July, Cyber Weekend, Spring Sale, more tailored offers for each progression level and more of T2A offers or T5CC offers for Cav players (not right way but still acceptable compared to Arena changes).

4) New resources access for whales/spenders through deals and offers. I know ppl hate when it happens for money but as FTP players are hardworking and hard work requires patience. Eventually, these resources will become more accessible in-game. So ok if Kabam makes money out of it initially. I am sure the same is going to happen with Relics.

To conclude Kabam needs to improve the quality of the game, content & champs, which they are doing or planning to do in the future BUT making drastic changes to the current segment of the game which completely changes its purpose/motive like the purpose of Arena is to grind for units and getting champs through it is just a reward of doing it better or higher that’s why they under rank reward. Similarly, AQ's purpose is to work as a team to get Glory, if you remove glory from it there will be no motive to do AQ.

So, my request to the Kabam team is not to take hasty decisions due to the current circumstances or to achieve a short-term goal but to think big, long-term, and keeping in mind the entire player base (Whales, Endgame players, Spenders & FTP). As FTP players are the ones who might convert into spender’s coz no newbie joins the game thinking that he will start spending from day one.

Lastly, we play this game, not for the fights, events, Kabam, or MCOC but for our love for the MARVEL CHARACTERS, that is what makes us love the game even more and be addicted to it so certainly MARVEL UNIVERSE FOREVER.

But if you continue to follow the whale’s way then will it be MCOC Forever?



  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
  • FiiNCHFiiNCH Member Posts: 1,692 ★★★★★
    Hoitado said:


  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    Hoitado said:


    All I got out if it was "arena sucks".
  • Nalak8Nalak8 Member Posts: 387 ★★★
    Well said
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