Suggestions for rank-up. Hoarding and saving crystals for a mass opening.

I left the game 3 yrs back in 2017-18. I have come back to the game to play and chill. I do not have any of the new champions. I want to rank up whatever champs I have. Basically, consider me a new player. I am not uncollected. My level is 56.
I am hoarding and saving crystals to open them after a few months. Also saving catalysts, ISO and Gold. So, I need some suggestions who to rank up. Only my 5 star Luke cage is at rank 4. Do comment. Thanks in advance.


  • ADwar616ADwar616 Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2021
    I don't think it's a good idea to hoard crystals at this point... You need some strong champs to clear as much content as possible. Open up some 4* crystals and try to complete this month's SQ( it has some juicy rewards). Try to become uncollected. You have decent champs for that. Rank up that hyperion void and quake. Consider cable if you get apocalypse.
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