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Some non-hero crystals reward list (7)

RaviDaviRaviDavi Member Posts: 800 ★★★
edited May 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Been a while since I made a new thread, so here's the next one :)

(Got exams coming up so everything will be put on-hold for some time.)

Inside uncollected (daily) goal crystals:

>> Basic ISO-8: (tier 5: worth 3k)
- 2 (high %)
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9

>> 4* Hero shards:
- 200
- 500
- 850

>> 5* Hero shards:
- 100
- 300
- 500

>> T4B Fragments:
- 7.2k
- 12.6k

>> T4CC Fragment Crystal (720 fragm.):
- 6
- 10

>> T1A catalysts:
- 1

>> Gold:
- 6k
- 9k
- 16k

(Last update: November 2020)
Inside cavalier (daily) objective crystals:

>> Basic ISO-8: (tier 5: worth 3k)
- 3
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10

>> 5star shards:
- 200
- 500
- 800

>> 6star shards:
- 100 (?) [6 star shards are dropped, but I forgot the amount]

>> Gold:
- 9k
- 18k

>> T1A:
- 1
- 2

>> T4BF:
- 7.2k
- 18k

>> T2AF:
- 2.7k

>> T4CCFC:
- 6
- 10

(Last update: January 2021)
Uncollected Shard Crystals from 1 day arena/Cav calendar:

>> 5* shards: (Uncompleted)
- 25
- 100

>> 4* shards: (Uncompleted)
- 20
- 40

>> Grandmaster Shards:
- 200

(Last update: May 2021)
Inside AQ map 2 crystals:

>> 2 of these rewards:

- 600 T3B fragments
- 1800 T3B fragments
- 250 T4B fragments
- 600 T3CC fragments
- 1 T3CC
- 75 T1A fragments
- 1 T1A
- 1 AQ/AW team revive 350 health
- 1 AQ/AW health potion 250 hp
- 1 AQ/AW health potion 1200 hp

(Last update: October 2020)
Inside AQ map 3 crystals: (Probably uncompleted)

>> 2 of these rewards:

- 150 T4B fragments
- 400 T4B fragments
- 150 T1A fragments
- 200 T1A fragments
- 300 T4CC fragments

(Last update: September 2020)
Inside AQ map 4 crystals: (Probably uncompleted)

>> 2 of these rewards:

- 300 T4B fragments
- 600 T4B fragments (very common)
- 1200 T4B fragments (uncommon)
- 200 T4CC fragments (very common)
- 400 T4CC fragments (uncommon)
- 450 T4CC fragments (rare)
- 900 T4CC fragments (rare)
- 800 T1A fragments (rare)

(Last update: September 2020)
Inside AQ map 5 crystals: (Uncompleted)

>> 2 of these rewards:

- 500 T4B fragments (uncommon)
- 800 T4B fragments (very common)
- 1600 T4B fragments (uncommon)
- 400 T4CC fragments (very common)
- 600 T4CC fragments (common)
- 700 T4CC fragments (common)
- 1200 T4CC fragments (uncommon)
- 1 T4CC (rare)
- ... T1A fragments (uncommon)

(Last update: December 2020)
Inside AQ map 6 crystals: (Uncompleted)

>> 2 of these rewards:

- 800 T4BF
- 1189 T4BF
- 1324 T4BF
- 1406 T4BF
- 1600 T4BF
°800-1600 T4BF

- 731 T4CCF
- 763 T4CCF
- 1500 T4CCF
°731-1500 T4CCF

T2AF: uncommon
- 570 T2AF
- 575 T2AF
- 2948 T2AF

(Amount given is variable and may surely exceed these numbers but might also possibly be less than these numbers, because of the limited amount of pulls.)

Have a nice day y'all!
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