This is what is wrong with AW

MRod77MRod77 Member Posts: 154
edited October 2017 in General Discussion

Here is a perfect example as to what is so messed up with current AW. 100% cleared all 3 groups, both had max defenders placed and diversity. We lose by 120pts because their defender rating is higher than ours. I get that, what I have a problem with is we went up against a better defense, didn’t die as much as them and clear 100% and lose??? How is that fair?? This is just Kabam’s way to make money by having to rank up all defenders since they are not making money in war anymore. David will never beat Goliath with this scoring system. Even when skill proves to be better (less deaths) it all comes down to how much have you ranked those diverse defenders. This needs to be fixed or you will lose many veteran players.


  • MRod77MRod77 Member Posts: 154
    * defender rating was higher, not diversity
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    This is exactly whats wrong with aw
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    So the tie breaker system will never be a tie breaker because everyone will have full diversity. Hmm. Now what? How about the team with the highest base rating automatically wins?...great idea? Lol. Honestly it's like they don't even play.
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  • NikskiniNikskini Member Posts: 237
  • Wil6541Wil6541 Member Posts: 273
    This is ridiculous really nodes aren't hard enough for diversity to be utilised it is 100 to 100 every single war. At least old map 100 to 100 was rare as thorns and slashed tires slowed you down. War is 0 fun because 9 out of 10 you know who will win before you start.
  • MRod77MRod77 Member Posts: 154
    it just baffles me how this is acceptable and a "better AW" than previous. What is the fun in being able to 100% the map every time and W/L's come down to defender ratings???
  • edited October 2017
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  • Stark78AlfaStark78Alfa Member Posts: 502
    MRod77 wrote: »

    David will never beat Goliath with this scoring system. Even when skill proves to be better (less deaths) it all comes down to how much have you ranked those diverse defenders.

    This fight was more Goliath vs Goliath.

    But I think this new war system takes out some fun.
  • Darkmagic1991Darkmagic1991 Member Posts: 83
    Making a post because you lost lol . Better luck next time!
  • MRod77MRod77 Member Posts: 154
    Making a post because you lost lol . Better luck next time!

    lol if you think this was because we lost you are mistaken, this is to show how ridiculous the current AW scoring system is.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Two problems:

    1) There is nothing stopping an attacking team from opening their pockets and 100% exploring every time. ---> BRING BACK DEFENDER KILLS

    2) Exploration is still too easy. This is linked to #1 in that players can revive/heal without consequence, but I'm finding that we don't really have to revive as much. We typically clear the map with 8 people, send one to each mini-boss, and then send the remaining 3 to whichever mini needs backup. That still leaves 2 players to finish explore and act as one final backup. Even without revives, we rarely need more than 9 attacking players to clear a map. In the old system, an awesome war was one where we got 85% exploration. Some lines would be "death paths" where we would need to send 3-4 players to clear, and we had to sacrifice exploration to do it. Now, we never have to sacrifice exploration. ----> HARDER NODES

    It's ok of the nodes are hard. People shouldn't expect to reach the boss on their own every time.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Exploration is the single largest source of points in the game. Right now, there isn't a way to prevent exploration. Even if we scrap diversity and revert to the previous strategy of stacking the Magik/Hype/Ice/Mordo/NC/BPCW/AV freight trains, opponents are still getting full exploration.
  • KallaiRKallaiR Member Posts: 30
    Wouldn't agree more with most of the posts!!

    Bring back defensive kill points!

    Don't make them count that much.just a bit to be the real tie breaker..

    it is unfair both teams have almost the same score and losing due to 1-2 diversity points or defender rating while they have huge difference in defensive kills!
  • baconpancakesbaconpancakes Member Posts: 9
    Yeah AW sucks
  • WrongswordWrongsword Member Posts: 39
    Definitely bring back defender kills, but Kabam also needs to get rid of diversity. The concept of diversity being a "tie breaker" makes the entire map easier to clear and compounds the problem. If alliances are focusing on diversity they are not placing their most powerful defenders, which makes clearing the map easier for both teams.

    Diversity also makes the entire experience boring- I used to love placing defenses now I really don't give a **** because who cares where Spider Gwen goes and who cares what champ is sitting on a "crit boost" node. Once you get above baby tier these kinds of nodes are worthless.

    Kabam's only motivation for removing defender kills was getting people to spend more potions in AW, it never had anything to do with their lame excuse that apparently people somewhere felt bad that they died in AW. In the process they just made their own game worse, in typical Kabam style.
  • HeywoodHeywood Member Posts: 49
    Wrongsword wrote: »
    Definitely bring back defender kills, but Kabam also needs to get rid of diversity. The concept of diversity being a "tie breaker" makes the entire map easier to clear and compounds the problem.

    I like diversity points. Gives points for us to make war more fun... If they bring back kills, it will work perfectly.
    Give points for placing a unique defender, if you get no kills then no harm.

    If you decide to duplicate a champ that gets no kills you will be penalized.
    If you place a champ that gets kills then you will be rewarded.

    On offense, you also get a bonus for killing tough duplicate champs.

    It makes so much sense to do this.

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  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Guess the buzz from Comic-Con is that kabam isn't happy with war either and changes are coming whatever that means. At this point you sort of wonder what the next mess will bring. We've become beta testers for this.
  • edited October 2017
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  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,592 ★★★★★
    I like that one person (who seems to like the now **** AW) is reading this entire thread and flagging every response. Sorry you suck at fighting bro.
  • Stu198311Stu198311 Member Posts: 77
    AW is a joke, why bother even joining, we lost our last war by 17 points because of defender rating, how is this skill based? @Kabam Miike
  • Wil6541Wil6541 Member Posts: 273
    @Outsidergua sorry you don't feel the same as me maybe it's your alliance. I never said kills shouldn't count but last war opposition got 65 kills war before 70 and my gem is this photo. Wars right now come down to defender rating.
  • JerichoholicJerichoholic Member Posts: 21
    If defender rating was displayed it would save us so much time...we wouldn't need to play, just concede to the higher defender rating team. Problem solved as as simply becomes a log in reward.
  • WenfuWenfu Member Posts: 9
    The problem is.. when they put back the defender kill, it will make the whole system back to old days.. people will choose hard defender rather than after the diversity which will not the way kabam's want us to do. They want us to rank up different hero rather than pick the god tier hero or wanted heroes for most. Dont know what is the logic to have a war which not depends on skill. WAR should be more fun when we can win it with skill instead of ratings..... CMIIW...
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