Who should I rank 3 for thronebreaker??

Prakhar_82Prakhar_82 Member Posts: 713 ★★★
edited May 2021 in Strategy and Tips
So I was at 80% at mystic (had Claire) and 75% at skill (had falcon). Completed 7.2 and opened a t5cc. Got Science. Now I am at 93%. I have a nexus T5cc solector so let's say I do get a science from there.

I have three options - Wasp, Glad hulk and Yellowjacket (All unawakened)

Talking about wasp, yes I have a maxed out 5 star ghost but I rarely RARELY use wasp with her. I am just really comfortable with ghost without wasp.
Now the thing is, since she is part of ghost Trinity, I don't think she will get a buff and I don't think she is that much of a bad champ, she just doesnt have any utility,that's the main reason I don't want to go with her.

Gladiator Hulk
He is more likely to get buffed I guess and that's the reason I want to go with him. +he has utility and really lacks damage but maybe taking him will cover some grounds.

He got a buff so I don't think he will get another.

In terms of content, I still have to explore variant 7 and there's a chance to get t5cc there. I don't think I will be able to explore 7.2 so soon tho, cause I do not have such stash and not counters for some specific lanes.

Who should I rank 3 for thronebreaker?? 32 votes

Go for wasp
Cupidmort_07Icy000TP33OmedennScrubhanThe_beast123AJ007JoshKosh557Messy151THE_COLLECT0RFrostGiantLord 12 votes
Go for Gladiator Hulk
Killswitch01RenaxqqBattlefront409jscott96Katzer 5 votes
Go for Yellow Jacket
Wooptyfrickendoo 1 vote
Do variant 7 exploration and see
BuckyBruhSarvanga1_RDMNScarcity27 4 votes
Wait for a month, and get your desired T5cc from cav eq
TensioAckbar67doctorbGodliekhouseflicks 5 votes
Grab a snickers
MysterioKill_GreyPrakhar_82SantiagoEhsaanKiller354 5 votes
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
    Go for wasp
    I disagree with the part where you say Wasp has no utility. She has petrify, lol :D
    Power stings, passive stun, super-hard hitter, weakness on heavy, concussion, and huge damage potential from that SP3 too.
  • Prakhar_82Prakhar_82 Member Posts: 713 ★★★
    Grab a snickers
    I know what I need to do now
    I don't
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I would personally go with Wasp. As you said, YJ isn't going to get another buff so you already know how his kit will look like in the next years. Wasp and Gulk are both decent champions and while they might get an Angela-style buff, they most likely aren't really on the buff radar. I have a feeling that Gulk might be slightly more on that radar, but that's just because I think Wasp is the better champ of the two unless Gulk's Face Me! kicks in at those very few occasions that it does.

    Now, as for synergies: forget about her synergy with Wasp if you don't care for it. I don't really care for it either. I do for Ghost, but not the other way around. However, I really like her synergy with Havok. It gives her a 50% passive Fury when she chains a Heavy attack at the end of a combo, which is really nice. If you have Mister Fantastic, he also has a synergy with She-Hulk and a few other champs that works really well for Wasp and all of her debuffs - whenever she places a debuff of her own, she also places a power sting debuff on the opponent. I haven't tried this out "live" since my 5* Wasp is only at r4 and my 5* Mister Fantastic is only at r2, but in theory it should lead to some pretty sweet damage since her critical hits also increase in damage based on how many debuffs she has on her opponent.

    So if you want to rank up someone now, I'd go with Wasp. If you want to wait and see if Gulk (or Wasp) gets a buff, do that. Or maybe you just get a better science champ, who knows. I can't really say which of those is the better option, but out of all of those champions I prefer Wasp.
  • Prakhar_82Prakhar_82 Member Posts: 713 ★★★
    Grab a snickers
    A cheap move to revive my own post. (Sorry)
  • This content has been removed.
  • Battlefront409Battlefront409 Member Posts: 34
    Go for Gladiator Hulk
    I would go for gladiator hulk. He is a great champ, regens A LOT, smash that is basically unstoppable. He is really good for endgame and variant content.
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