Awaken CGR?

AstoundsAstounds Member Posts: 323 ★★
So after a bit of the side event I was graced with a 6star CGR. And yes, he will be going to rank 3 as soon as I finish the remaining t5cc. Unfortunately I popped all my nexus t5cc saved up and got 0 cosmic. But im about 50/50 on using a cosmic awakening gem on him. I understand he doesn't NEED it, but those shiny silver stars are so tempting. Not to mention there aren't many comics who really need it. I already have CMM duped, and the only other one I would use it on would be corvus.

Not sure if it really matters either, but I do have a duped 5/65 CGR already.

But, I don't have a corvus. And I already have a 5/65 of him. Under the assumption I finish the t5cc before I pull a corvus should I just use it on CGR?

Awaken CGR? 56 votes

Use it, duh.
BitterSteelTristanMagrailothosGNASTYJumpthesharkheartbreakid_22DarkQuake-sixate-SpadeHunterMiStaLovaThe_real_IndywalkerdogCarracho01Sparx265TejkiratDawnbringer_1DrauglinThanks_D19Gr8TonyStarkScrubhan 27 votes
Save it for someone else eventually?
DL864evilKINGwilsonLucky7LucianoTexas_11Newman0067Malreck04Santa_PsycheDenzel116RookiieKill_Greypsp742Sarvanga1_Killswitch01IronGladiator22RenaxqqCharlie21540ADwar616HoitadoJJJmJJJHusain_b128 29 votes


  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,714 ★★★★
    Save it for someone else eventually?
    Possibly there are better cosmic champions coming.. CGR doesn't really need it but it does boost his damage a bit higher the signature level.. but seriously it is hard to get 6* (generic or class base) signature stones... kabam used to offer it but now it's hard to come by, even doing some cavalier quest is not enough sigs.
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Suicides or no? As perhaps that helps away one way or the other. I don't have CGR as a 6* but do have a max 5* and still not using him a ton so far.

    However, I also have a maxed 5* duped corvus, and decided he's going to be my first R3 cosmic (even unduped) which is just around the corner once the T2A is there With boosts and R3, he can still handle large health pools and he's still the AQ king when duped. Go with your gut - that dupe really makes him amazing for cheating death and only needs the 1 sig tho.
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  • AstoundsAstounds Member Posts: 323 ★★
    psp742 said:

    Possibly there are better cosmic champions coming.. CGR doesn't really need it but it does boost his damage a bit higher the signature level.. but seriously it is hard to get 6* (generic or class base) signature stones... kabam used to offer it but now it's hard to come by, even doing some cavalier quest is not enough sigs.

    While I do agree with the lack of sig stones my issue falls in line with the idea of holding it for someone. I thought the same idea to hold it for a future champ, but unfortunately when a new champ comes out, say like Hercules, I have to hope they need an awakening gem and not high sig. And ontop of that I gotta pray to get them which is a whole other story.
  • AstoundsAstounds Member Posts: 323 ★★

    For a champion like CGR, where his damage is crazy, but his utility is slightly on the lower side, awakening him is a great decision IMO.

    That sig adds the ability to deal with buffs, which is huge for a cosmic champion. Think about variant content, Act 7 etc where class specific nodes or combos are encouraged or required. The ability to deal with buffs is huge for a cosmic champ. Especially with how powerful he is at buff control. You can have a pretty big uptime on that fateseal.
    Just take a look here, it’s used to solo Luke cage, easily one of the hardest fights in the entire game. Buff control is important, and you can’t always use mystics.

    The heal block is nice too for those who don’t run despair, or for opponents that can’t have healing modified.

    It helps that you have a 5/65 Corvus, and I will admit my opinion is biased against Corvus, I’m not his biggest fan personally with the health pools we see. But if you do love Corvus that much it could be worth saving. I’m just making the case for CGR great buff control

    Yea I enjoy his fate seal personally to block everything, it's nice to watch nothing sit on anyone. He destroyed those paths in v7. I've already explored his cosmic chapter so it's moot for the current variants but I get your point. The corvus would be more for AQ/AW than actual future content, because trying to chunk through 350k health with him is rough, especially with no suicides.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Save it for someone else eventually?
    There are cosmic that benefit a lot more than CGR from his awakening. It’s nice to have, but hardly game changing for the big damage that you probably use him for.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I chucked my 5* Cosmic awakening gem at him without blinking because I love that sig ability, but a 6* gem? I'm not sure I'd chuck that one at him. It's not that good.

    I mean, you could pull Angela next. Or maybe they release Hyperion as a 6*. But as of right now, seeing how rare those things are, I would probably save it. Despite being a huge fan of his sig, personally.
  • hermherm Member Posts: 415 ★★
    I think it's probably not the best move but whatever you want to do is what you should do. This is a game meant for your enjoyment. If awakening your 6* CGR would help you have a better experience playing, then do it.
  • Dawnbringer_1Dawnbringer_1 Member Posts: 268 ★★
    Use it, duh.
    I used mine on him, cant see a reason not to.
  • Negative_100Negative_100 Member Posts: 1,650 ★★★★
    Save it for someone else eventually?
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  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    Save it for someone else eventually?
    Save, save, save. You never know when the next gamebreaking champion is gonna be released, and you already have a duped 5/65
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